Jews and supporters of Israel celebrate hostage rescue worldwide

Jews worldwide celebrated as the IDF rescued four hostages from Hamas in Gaza. Organizations lauded the operation while advocating for the release of remaining captives.

Israelis celebrate the release of four hostages in Ramat Gan on June 8, 2024 (photo credit: REUTERS/MARKO DJURICA)
Israelis celebrate the release of four hostages in Ramat Gan on June 8, 2024

Jews and supporters of Israel worldwide celebrated the IDF rescue of four hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza on Saturday.

While many Jewish groups had not commented by Saturday night because of Shabbat observance, organizations that did issue statements expressed jubilation for the families of the former hostages Shlomi Ziv, Andrey Kozlov, Almog Meir Jan, and Noa Argamani and hope for those who still remain in the hands of Gazan terrorists.

“The four rescued hostages were abducted by Hamas terrorists on October 7 from the Nova music festival near the southern community of Re’im,” the World Jewish Congress said on social media. “Welcome home. We must do all that we can to save the remaining hostages and bring them home to their families or for proper burials.”

Pro-Israel NGO StandWithUs (SWU) shared videos of Israelis cheering across the country and outside the homes of former hostages as news spread about the successful “heroic rescue mission that safely brought home four hostages, following eight months of captivity.”

“Welcome home,” said SWU. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

The American Jewish Committee (AJC) said that it joined “Israel and Jews around the world in celebrating the heroic operation by the IDF,” and promised to continue to advocate for the release of the remaining 120 hostages.

AIPAC applauds hostage rescue

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen with AIPAC leaders in the Knesset, in the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, on June 13, 2023 (credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen with AIPAC leaders in the Knesset, in the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, on June 13, 2023 (credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)

“These individuals can finally return home to their families and loved ones,” AJC said on X. “We are overjoyed by their safe return and deeply moved by the bravery of those who made this possible.”

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) personally thanked specific US politicians such as US Senator John Fetterman as they congratulated Israelis on the news.

“The overwhelming majority of Americans and Congress have stood strongly by our ally in this fight,” said AIPAC. “Today’s incredible rescue was made possible in part because of that support.”

Notably, AIPAC castigated US congresspeople who did not issue statements about the rescue, saying that the silence from the “most vocal critics of Israel in Congress” was “revealing.”

“Imagine being so hostile toward Israel that you can’t even embrace four innocent people being freed from the grips of a terror organization,” said AIPAC, tagging members of the so-called “squad” on social media.

AIPAC also noted that the operation was only necessary “because Hamas took hostages, kept hostages, ended a hostage deal, and refused to agree to multiple hostage deal offers.”

Celebration about the rescue crossed the political aisles in the US, with pro-Republican and pro-Democratic party groups offering their praise for the deliverance.

“We will not rest until every remaining hostage is returned home from captivity in Gaza,” said the Republican Jewish Coalition. “Destroy Hamas, rescue the hostages. Give Israel the time, space, and support to win the war.”

The Jewish Democratic Council of America welcomed the “incredible news” as well, stating that while this was a “moment of joy and celebration” efforts nevertheless “must continue to prioritize the return of the remaining 120 hostages in Gaza, including eight Americans.”

The mindfulness of the status of other hostages did not temper the celebrations across the world. Rather, they seemed to offer hope. The Representative Council of Jewish Institutions of France (CRIF) expressed joy and relief about the release of the four captives and said that it would also continue to advocate for the release of Israelis and foreign citizens held in Gaza.

“We will never give in to terrorism,” said CRIF.

In Canada, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs welcomed the return of the four hostages home, and Sussex Friends of Israel shared videos of pro-Israel counter-protesters against anti-Israel demonstrations in London – dancing and cheering.

“Today was not just about the families of the four rescued hostages,” the British group said on social media. “Today, 120 other families were also given hope.”

Further, the Australian Jewish Association shared videos of crowds celebrating the hostages’ liberation such as one group outside the Beth Weizmann Jewish Community Centre in the Melbourne area.

“The whole Jewish world is full of joy,” said AJA.

In Spain, the Action and Communication on the Middle East (ACOM) said that Saturday was a day of joy and congratulated Israeli forces who risked their lives to free the hostages. ACOM noted that many continued to prop up Hamas, such as Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez.

“The joy of the rescue of the four hostages makes us remember more strongly those who are still missing,” ACOM remarked. “We wait for you.”
