There are the sleep problems you should look out for

You may not be aware of it, but there are times your sleep is disturbed during the night, and it affects every bone in your body.

 Illustrative image of a person sleeping.  (photo credit: PIXABAY)
Illustrative image of a person sleeping.
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

The list of things that can interfere with a person's sleep is long. Some may be related to health problems or sleeping disorders. 

If you experience one, or more than one of the following during sleep, it may be time to see your doctor, as insufficient sleep affects every organ and limb in our bodies.


Snoring can complicate things. Most people find it difficult to fall asleep next to a snoring person, while the snorer may feel helpless and guilty. Beyond the social-marital problem, snoring can point to a much more serious medical problem. Examples include conditions such as sleep apnea, nasal congestion from allergies, a thyroid problem and/or enlarged tonsils.

One cause of snoring is the vibration of the soft tissues, especially in the soft palate area. Other causes are airway narrowing which may be caused by a narrow anatomical structure in the airway, being overweight, or a structural problem at the base of the tongue and palate.

 Illustrative image of a person sleeping. (credit: PXHERE)
Illustrative image of a person sleeping. (credit: PXHERE)

Sleep Apnea

Sometimes snoring may indicate that one is suffering from sleep apnea which develops due to an airway obstruction followed by a decrease in oxygen saturation. This causes a kind of "awakening" so that the person can breathe again.

Although people with sleep apnea can wake up many times a night to breathe, they usually don’t remember it, but the consequences can manifest in increased fatigue, various diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, ADHD and heart disease or exacerbation of existing problems, and they can undoubtedly pose a health risk that requires medical intervention.

Chronic nightmares

Persistent nightmares can be caused by a number of different psychological triggers; the most common are anxiety and depression. Schedule changes that disrupt or reduce the amount you sleep can also cause an increase in nightmares as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Treatment of chronic nightmares may be necessary if they cause distress, interfere with sleep and interfere with daytime functioning. Nightmares may also be a side effect of medications you’re taking, so ask your doctor to change the dose or prescription and see if the nightmares go away.

Teeth grinding

If you grind your teeth (a phenomenon also known as bruxism), you might not know you’re doing it, but you have headaches and jaw pain. Most people who grind their teeth do so during the night, so you might not even notice right away.

Teeth grinding occurs when the mouth is closed and the teeth of the lower and upper jaws rub against each other. In such a situation the teeth rub against and the jaw muscles contract; upper teeth may snag against the lower. There are several reasons for bruxism, which can damage teeth, wear and even break them. Yet, most cases in adults are due to stress or anxiety and can go away with appropriate treatment.

Frequent night urination

A problem that becomes especially annoying on cold winter nights is called nocturia. If you use the bathroom more than once a night, you have this.  Aside from worrying about sleeping without interruption, the need to urinate at night can indicate a health problem. Disrupted sleep due to the fact that the bladder wakes you up can indicate an increased risk of developing diabetes, a weak immune system, kidney disease, etc.

Some mental aspects are connected to nocturia. It’s a marker for problems like anxiety and depression which are bothering you and you’re trying unsuccessfully to suppress. Under pressure, the central nervous system prepares for accelerated function and acts with increased sensitivity. This means that less stimulation is required to activate our natural reflexes, such as the need to urinate. Your bladder knows everything about you and will make sure you know it

Walking a lot, talking during sleep

We move during sleep, but those who exhibit violent behaviors during sleep, without meaning to, of course, number close to 2% of the population.

One reason for shouting and sharp shifts in sleep is that the dreamer "dramatizes" his dreams by frequently moving, hitting, kicking and even shouting. Because we dream dreams in the sleep phase called REM or rapid eye movement, this disorder got the name: REM disorder.

A study found that people with REM disorder are more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, psychological distress and other types of mental illness. Drug use or alcohol consumption especially near bedtime can cause one to have violent sleep disorders.
