Google deleting inactive Gmail accounts: Take action or lose your files

As of Friday, Google started deleting any accounts that have been inactive for two years or more. 

 gmail (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Do you have a dormant Gmail account?

It's time to wake up. As of Friday, Google started deleting any accounts that have been inactive for two years or more. 

Not only will the account be deleted, but all the photos, calendars, and files stored on Google's servers will be permanently removed. 

Why would Google take such action?

Google explained in a blog post last May that inactive accounts are at a higher risk of being hacked as they often have outdated passwords and lack proper security measures.

To ensure users have a chance to save their data, Google will send email notifications to both the inactive account and any alternate email addresses, if provided. 

However, it's essential to note that this policy only applies to personal accounts and not business ones, including those associated with YouTube. The deletion process will begin with accounts that have never been used. 

 ''If an account has not been used for a long time, there is a greater chance that it will be hacked,'' said a Google blog post last May. (credit: walla! studio, Yinon Ben Shushan)
''If an account has not been used for a long time, there is a greater chance that it will be hacked,'' said a Google blog post last May. (credit: walla! studio, Yinon Ben Shushan)

To prevent your account from being deleted, simply log in and access any Google services, such as reading or sending an email, using Google Drive, or watching a YouTube video.

Make a backup

If you have valuable content saved in Google Photos, it's advisable to make a backup before it's too late. You can use Google's Takeout feature to back up your Gmail account and make sure you have a backup email associated with any important accounts. It's also worth noting that Microsoft has been implementing a similar policy since 2019, deleting dormant Outlook and Hotmail accounts.
