Petah Tikva's Academic project: Attracting youth and innovation

Municipality launches a massive academic venture with sports and culture, bridging with the city's hi-tech zones across extensive grounds.

 Illustration: Petah Tikva's Academic project (photo credit: Léa Shneor Architects and Dimensions and Actions of Landscape)
Illustration: Petah Tikva's Academic project
(photo credit: Léa Shneor Architects and Dimensions and Actions of Landscape)

The Petah Tikva Municipality is presently championing the Petah Tikva Academic Reading Project, a comprehensive initiative featuring diverse sports, cultural, and recreational facilities alongside a sprawling university complex

Set to occupy the Rabin, Dragner and Shachem streets area, the project spans a wide area, integrating with the city's hi-tech sectors and strategic business hub, proximate to medical and innovation centers. Alongside the academic campus, the development will incorporate student residences, a secondary school, sports and cultural centers, a swimming pool, parking facilities, public clinics, entertainment hubs, and more.

"We're currently advancing another flagship endeavor aimed at broadening the city's demographic appeal, attracting young individuals and students to Petah Tikva," Mayor Rami Greenberg said.

"The city's proximity to central educational institutions presents an enticing prospect for student residents, with further potential for the project," he said. "This initiative aligns with our efforts to enhance mass transit, public transportation, cycling infrastructure, and beyond. It's a pivotal venture for the city's future, significantly expanding educational, commercial, sporting, and recreational offerings."
