New housing for Nachal Oz evacuees: Where will it be established?

National Planning Council approves exemption and permit for housing complex, proposes Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek as the location.

  (photo credit: Official website of the Megiddo Regional Council)
(photo credit: Official website of the Megiddo Regional Council)

The Regional Council for Planning and Building, led by Rabbi Natan Alnatan, has decided on Tuesday, 23.1.24 to recommend to the Minister of the Interior to approve an exemption from the plan and permit for the construction of 40 buildings in Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek for evacuees from Kibbutz Nahal Oz. This decision is part of a series of steps advanced by the Regional Council to find housing solutions, in the short term, for residents evacuated from the Gaza border communities.

This decision aligns with the council's ongoing efforts to provide suitable housing options for evacuees from neighboring settlements. As the community of Nahal Oz resettles in Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek, it has become evident that additional housing is necessary to accommodate their needs. In a unprecedented move, the council is utilizing Section 266(V) of the Planning and Building Law, allowing for the permanent usage of the buildings and infrastructure, subject to future regulatory approvals. 

This decision follows previous actions taken by the National Planning and Building Council to approve exemptions and permits for temporary buildings in the Ashelim settlement, within the Ramat HaNegev regional council, accommodating 36 evacuee families from Karmei Shalom. Additionally, temporary buildings have been established in Hatzrim settlement to house approximately 300 evacuee families from Kibbutz Beeri. These measures aim to alleviate the housing crisis faced by the affected communities.

Alnatan expressed his hopes that these housing solutions will provide much-needed relief to the evacuees of Nahal Oz during this challenging period, until they can safely return to their homes. Raffi Almaliah, CEO of the Planning Administration, reiterated the commitment of the administration to support the evacuees. He further emphasized the importance of granting a permit exemption for the construction of a neighborhood in Mishmar HaEmek, enabling improved housing conditions and communal living until the evacuees can return to their rightful homes. The shared aspiration is for their return to be as swift and harmonious as possible.
