Azrieli Foundation Donates NIS 180 Million to Darca Network

Azrieli: “We are building a respectful community that encourages creative thinking, leadership, dialogue and acceptance of others in the periphery.”

  Danna Azrieli (Center), Chair of Azrieli Group and Chair of Azrieli Foundation Israel and Marc Rowan (Left), Vice Chairman of Board of Directors of Darca Schools. (photo credit: MAXIM GOLOVANOV)
Danna Azrieli (Center), Chair of Azrieli Group and Chair of Azrieli Foundation Israel and Marc Rowan (Left), Vice Chairman of Board of Directors of Darca Schools.
(photo credit: MAXIM GOLOVANOV)

The Azrieli Foundation has announced a new donation of NIS 180 million over five years to the Darca Network, which includes NIS 300m. earmarked for an educational empowerment program. This donation comes five years after the foundation’s initial NIS 110m. donation.

The Darca Network is a group of 47 high schools that was founded 12 years ago with the support of the Education Ministry to strengthen schools in the socio-geographical periphery of Israel. The network’s innovative approach to education has resulted in impressive scholastic and social achievements, including an unprecedented 93.5% of students eligible for matriculation certificates.

The Azrieli Foundation shares the Darca network’s commitment to promoting equal opportunity in society and reducing educational gaps. The educational empowerment program that operates in the Darca network allows for the promotion of excellence in the sciences and mathematics, establishment of innovative pedagogical settings, and empowerment of youth on their way to becoming leaders in society.

Thanks to the foundation’s donation, the Darca network will expand the program’s sphere of influence from 47 to 60 educational institutions, serving an additional 10,000 students, all in the socio-geographical periphery. Additionally, the foundation’s donation will fund the Educational Leadership Accelerator, which is to train and place 150 principals in elementary and secondary schools nationwide over the next three years.

What do Azrieli and Darca have to say about the donation?

Danna Azrieli, chair of the Azrieli Group and the Azrieli Foundation Israel, has even joined Darca’s Board of Directors in recognition of the foundation’s commitment to the advancement of youth in the periphery.

 Israeli money bills. (credit: PIXABAY)
Israeli money bills. (credit: PIXABAY)

“For many years, the Azrieli Foundation has supported the advancement of youth from Israel’s periphery to empower each and every one of them and have them reach their inherent potential. The foundation is excited about expanding its partnership with Darca due to its commitment to providing equal opportunities and quality education to youth in the periphery that leads to a brighter future and promotes social mobility,” Azrieli said.

“Along with our partners at Darca, we are building a respectful community that encourages creative thinking, leadership, dialogue, and acceptance of others, in order to strengthen communities in the periphery, empower the future of our students and create an enriched and innovative education system for all students.”

Darca’s chairman, Jimmy Pinto, expressed his thanks for the foundation’s donation and faith in the network, stating that “the support and faith in the work of the Darca network will make it possible for us to move forward significantly in promoting equal and sustainable opportunity for every child. On behalf of Darca and all its partners since its beginning, we welcome and thank the Azrieli foundation for its donation to Darca based on its recognition and faith in the network. We are convinced that together, and together with our dedicated and outstanding team, we will be able to expand Darca’s success as a network that serves as a model for the entire Israeli system of education.”

Gil Pereg, CEO of Darca, also expressed his gratitude on behalf of Darca’s students.


“We are beyond grateful for the Azrieli Foundation’s unprecedented donation to Darca and for the involvement and donation of Ms. Danna Azrieli in guiding the management of the network over the years,” he said.

“This assistance comes on top of the joint effort and contribution of the Darca network’s strategic supporters and benefactors worldwide. I have no doubt that thanks to their work, Darca will be able to advance the entire Israeli education system forward and advance Israeli society as a leading model around the world.”
