How to stay organized in times of turmoil - explainer

Below are some practical steps to help you keep your affairs in order, including your bank information and vital documents; and daily routines to stick to during challenging times.

 BEFORE & after – keeping an organized pantry with everything visible will cut down on the purchase of duplicates. (photo credit: MIRIAM GOLD)
BEFORE & after – keeping an organized pantry with everything visible will cut down on the purchase of duplicates.
(photo credit: MIRIAM GOLD)

Being organized at home is always a priority for me, and one that I try to instill in my clients. In a time of war or trouble, maintaining order and organization in your home becomes paramount. Whether it’s safeguarding important documents, managing your finances, or simply keeping your daily life in order, staying organized can provide a sense of security and control amid uncertainty.

Below are some practical steps to help you keep your affairs in order, including your bank information and vital documents; and daily routines to stick to during challenging times.

Create your own ‘homefront command center’

Establishing a centralized space in your home where you can manage and organize important information is crucial. This “home command center” can be a dedicated corner, a filing cabinet, or a digital folder on your computer. This space should contain the following:

 A man uses an ATM at Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot in Tel Aviv, Israel November 22, 2021. Picture taken November 22, 2021.  (credit:  REUTERS/ALI KHARA)
A man uses an ATM at Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot in Tel Aviv, Israel November 22, 2021. Picture taken November 22, 2021. (credit: REUTERS/ALI KHARA)
  • A fireproof lockbox for vital documents like birth certificates, passports, and property deeds. See The Jerusalem Post’s “10 most popular fire safe boxes for 2023” (October 25 issue). 
  • A physical or digital copy of your will and other legal documents
  • Contact information for emergency services, family, and friends
  • A list of important account numbers, such as bank accounts, insurance, and utility accounts
  • A calendar to keep track of important dates and appointments.

Maintain control over finances 

Digitize your financial documents: Scan or photograph your important financial documents and store them securely (password protected). Ensure that your bank statements, tax records, and investment details are organized and accessible.

Stash some cash: In uncertain times, it’s wise to keep a sum of cash on hand in a secure location.

Set up online banking: If you haven’t already done so, set up online banking for easy access to accounts and financial information. Establish strong passwords and use two-factor authentication for added security.

Regularly monitor your accounts: Stay on top of your money by regularly checking your bank and credit card statements for any unusual activity. Report discrepancies immediately.

Maintain daily and weekly routines 

A sense of routine can provide stability and comfort, even amid chaos. Establish a daily schedule that includes time for work and/or chores, relaxation, exercise, and family activities. Sticking to this routine as closely as possible helps maintain a sense of normalcy and reduces stress.

Your home is your safe haven and should provide you with a break from outside stressors. Keep it uncluttered and organized. A neat home is a reflection of your emotional investment in your space and creates a positive atmosphere. By investing a little time in keeping things tidy, you are not only making your home look nice but also setting up a peaceful environment that’s good for your well-being.


When things are in their proper place, you will feel more relaxed and in control. An organized home makes it easier to find things, enables life to run more smoothly, and provides a sense of control and security. This also enables you to focus on what really matters.

Prepare an emergency kit

In challenging times, it’s vital to be prepared for unexpected events. Assemble an emergency kit with essential supplies such as food, water, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and blankets. Keep the kit easily accessible, and make sure every family member knows where it is.

Stay informed and connected

In moments of turmoil, keeping informed is crucial. Have access to a battery-powered radio or a hand-cranked emergency radio for updates and important information.

Stay connected with family and friends, whether by phone calls, messaging apps, or social media, to provide and receive support.

Ultimately, remember that the key to staying organized is adaptability. Be prepared to adjust your plans as the situation evolves, and always prioritize the safety and well-being of your loved ones. 

The writer, a seasoned professional organizer and founder of Gold Standard Organizing helps clients declutter and organize their physical and digital spaces for a more organized and harmonious life.

Learn more at or 054-976-4246
