Massive Gaza rocket assault targets Tel Aviv, central Israel

Numerous rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip towards central Israel, the first rocket barrage directed at the area in months.

A recent launch of Hamas rockets as seen from Rafah, southern Gaza, May 26, 2024 (photo credit: VIA MAARIV ONLINE)
A recent launch of Hamas rockets as seen from Rafah, southern Gaza, May 26, 2024
(photo credit: VIA MAARIV ONLINE)

A massive barrage of rockets targeted Tel Aviv and central Israel for the first time in months. The rockets were fired from Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. 

The IDF confirmed on Sunday that eight projectiles were identified crossing the Rafah area into Israeli territory. A number of the projectiles were intercepted by the IDF Aerial Defense Array, the IDF announced. 

Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, with the al-Qassam Brigade, Hamas's military wing, claiming that they fired the barrage in response to ongoing IDF operations in the Gaza Strip.

As a result of the rocket fire, loud booms were heard across Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Herzliya, and Ramat Hasharon. 

 Infographic showing the location of rocket launchers used to fire rockets toward central Israel from Rafah. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Infographic showing the location of rocket launchers used to fire rockets toward central Israel from Rafah. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

The rockets were fired from launchers located just a few hundred meters from IDF soldiers in the Gaza Strip, the IDF confirmed Sunday. The launchers were located between two mosques. The IDF struck the launchers shortly after the rockets were fired.

IDF strikes launchers where rockets were fired from towards central Israel. May 26, 2024 (Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Both MDA and Israel Police said there had not been any reported injuries directly from the rocket fire. Several people were injured while running to shelters.

Shrapnel hit a parked car in Herzliya and fell in several other locations throughout central Israel.

Other rocket attacks on Sunday 

The barrage towards central Israel follows earlier anti-tank missiles launched towards Margaliot and Menara in northern Israel from Lebanese territory, with one missile falling in an open area, Israeli media reported.
