Mother wounded as terrorists target family car carrying baby in West Bank

The armed terrorist shot at least six bullets towards the front of the car, all while he was driving. He then exited his vehicle and started walking towards the family.

 A car hit in a shooting attack near Ateret. December 18, 2023 (photo credit: BINYAMIN REGIONAL COUNCIL)
A car hit in a shooting attack near Ateret. December 18, 2023

Mevaseret Cohen, 27, from Neve Tzuf, was moderately wounded in a shooting attack near Ateret in the central West Bank on Monday.

The armed terrorist shot at least six bullets towards the front of the car, all while he was driving. He then exited his vehicle and started walking towards the family, probably to ensure they were dead. Mevaseret’s husband, Yishai, shot towards the terrorist, who fled. Their one-month-old child was in the back.

Magen David Adom medics provided her with medical treatment and transferred her to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem.

Israeli forces launched searches for the terrorists, blocking roads in the area.

 MDA ambulance and medics (illustrative). (credit: MDA OPERATIONAL COVERAGE)
MDA ambulance and medics (illustrative). (credit: MDA OPERATIONAL COVERAGE)

Month and a half old baby was in targeted vehicle

The Binyamin Regional Council said that the terrorists fired at two Israeli vehicles before fleeing toward Ramallah.“Near the entrance to Ateret we met the vehicle in which there was a man, a woman, and an about month-and-a-half-old baby,” said MDA paramedic Ari Rosenstein. “We were told that near the Al Rawabi intersection, they were shot at and the woman was wounded by the gunfire. We gave her medical treatment and evacuated her in an MDA intensive care vehicle to the hospital in stable condition. The man and the baby who were with her in the car were not injured and did not need medical treatment.”

The attack comes less than a day after a reservist IDF officer was wounded in a stabbing attack at a gas station near the Rantis checkpoint in the central West Bank.

Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Ganz stated at the scene of the attack that “a resident, a council employee, was traveling with his wife and his daughter. A terrorist opened fire on them and went out to ensure the kill. The resident returned fire from inside the vehicle and the terrorist fled.”

“The terrorism in Gaza and here is the same terrorism. The terrorists need to be rooted out here in Judea and Samaria as well,” said Ganz. 

This is a developing story.
