Instead of typing a password: The change in WhatsApp for iPhone users

Meta is expected to soon release a developer version for iPhone users in which logging into the WhatsApp application will be done through facial recognition or an automatic code.

 WhatsApp on iPhone. Direct access  (photo credit: Dr. Itay gal)
WhatsApp on iPhone. Direct access
(photo credit: Dr. Itay gal)

Another innovation for WhatsApp: Apple users will soon be able to enter the application using facial recognition, a fingerprint or an automatic password, without the need to identify themselves via SMS and an identification code.

The new development, reported by a source close to Meta, is expected to be included in a developer version that is usually released before the final version is integrated into the application for the general public. A developer version is designed to test the development on a broad user base, and to receive feedback regarding possible faults.

The automatic login to WhatsApp will be possible on all Apple devices, including iPhones and tablets, it will prevent the need for "Log In" and allow a smooth and fast login to activate the application for those who have left it or entered it for the first time. Entry as mentioned will be possible through facial recognition, touch recognition existing in old tablet devices such as the "mini iPad", or Passkeys - automatic passwords for Apple users that allow quick and direct entry into applications without typing the code.

In recent months, we have reported on another line of innovations that WhatsApp is working on: Last September, it was announced that Meta is testing the version of WhatsApp for iPads: from the first screenshots that were released to the network, the connection to the iPad version is similar to connecting to WhatsApp on the computer and it is done by scanning a QR code, after which the WhatsApp application synchronizes directly to the personal account with its size Adapted to the Apple tablet screen, without the need for an additional connection. WhatsApp's iPad application is expected to include all familiar features, including the option of phone or video calls.

 WhatsApp  (credit: REUTERS)
WhatsApp (credit: REUTERS)

WhatsApp will soon allow you to send and receive messages from other apps as well: WhatsApp users in beta 2 in Europe can already try out the updated messaging software and messages that are also sent from Instagram, Messenger, Signal and SMS. At this point it appears that the application will not allow messages from Telegram, possibly due to security requirements.
