Biomed Israel 2024: Leading innovations in life sciences industry

Over 100 companies to showcase cutting-edge solutions in biomed and health tech at the Biomed Israel conference, a hub for industry innovation on May 21-23 in Tel Aviv.

 Biomed Israel 2023 conference  (photo credit: Alexander Allman)
Biomed Israel 2023 conference
(photo credit: Alexander Allman)

For the 22nd year in a row: The Biomed Israel 2024 conference, Israel's leading international life sciences and health technology event, will take place next month (May 21-23), at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv.

Senior managers from the industry, scientists, doctors and investors are expected to participate in the conference. As in previous years, over 100 Israeli companies from the field of life sciences, both start-ups and older companies, will present the solutions and technologies they have developed and provide a unique opportunity for thousands of visitors who are members of the life sciences and health technologies community to keep up to date with innovations in the life sciences and health tech industries.

The conference, which is being held for the 22nd year in a row, is the largest meeting place for health professionals in Israel with their colleagues who come from abroad, who gather together for three days of intensive networking for business opportunities and promoting collaborations.

 Biomed Israel 2023 conference  (credit: Alexander Allman)
Biomed Israel 2023 conference (credit: Alexander Allman)

The conference will include a wide variety of lectures and sessions that will deal with the latest trends and breakthroughs in the entire range of fields in the life sciences, including biopharma, medical devices, digital health and diagnostics. Among other things, this year the sessions will deal with women's health, home hospitalization, the impact of AI on drug discovery and clinical developments, healthy aging and the next generation of genetic medicine.

Other topics that will be discussed at the conference will be innovation in the field of brain health, cardiovascular diseases, digital biomarkers, biopsy and liquid diagnostics, the medical device industry, nutrition technologies, cancer treatments, the cardio-metabolic field, Israel's contribution to science and technology in the industry and innovations in bio-convergence.

The co-chairs of the conference are Ruthi Alon, founder and CEO of Medstrada, Dr. (PhD) Ora Der, a senior expert in medical sciences and medical innovation, and Dr. (MD, PhD) Nissim Darvish, CEO of the Eliraz Ventures fund. Under their joint management, the conference will present and examine the innovation and trends shaping the future of health systems and life sciences.

Ruthie Alon, co-chair of the Biomed Israel 2024 conference, said that "in days of uncertainty, our determination to cooperate and try to provide an answer to unanswered needs in the field of health in the world is a torch of hope and becomes our greatest strength. Biomed Israel's first and most important goal is to encourage collaboration between the Israeli and global life sciences industries. Senior managers and delegations of multinational companies, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, technology giants and investors specializing in the health industry come to Israel every year in May for a search for innovation, creative solutions, products and technologies."

"At the conference, Israel will present the best it has to offer in a variety of fields that are in line with contemporary trends that arouse interest among the global life sciences industry. Experts will engage in thought-provoking discussions and lectures on a wide range of topics, from biological models of diseases to the enormous amounts of available data that must be processed in them and analyze them in order to turn them into knowledge. All this, alongside discussions regarding the quality of life in the world and the increasing cost of medical services. Whether it is chronic diseases, cognitive impairments or disruptions in the cardiovascular and metabolic systems, in the conference we will look in depth at the mutual effects between different features and therapeutic interventions. whose aim is to address these challenges, both on the preventive and the therapeutic level," Alon added.
