10 tips for a digital Passover cleaning

As Passover approaches, it's time to clean not just our homes but also our digital spaces. Osher Assor, the Cyber Manager of AUREN Israel, offers ten tips to keep your digital environment secure.

  (photo credit: PEXELS)
(photo credit: PEXELS)

As Passover approaches, it's not just our physical surroundings that need cleaning but also our digital spaces. Osher Assor, Cyber Manager at AUREN Israel, provides ten essential tips for maintaining a clean and secure digital environment:

1. Review Your PasswordsRegularly update and strengthen your passwords. Avoid generic passwords like "Password!" or "123456," as these are the first passwords hackers try. Consider using password management tools for creating and storing complex passwords unique to each service.

 Osher Assor (credit: YANIV COHEN)
Osher Assor (credit: YANIV COHEN)

2. Enable Two-Factor AuthenticationActivate two-factor authentication on all your digital channels to enhance security and prevent unauthorized access even if your password is compromised.

3. Review App PermissionsRegularly check and evaluate the permissions granted to apps and services on your devices. Consider whether each permission is necessary and revoke those that are not.

4. Adjust Social Media Privacy SettingsReview and customize privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your shared information. Decide what information you want to expose to different levels of acquaintances.

5. Update Software and Operating SystemsEnsure all software and operating systems on your devices are up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.

6. Organize Files and FoldersOrganize your digital content, both business and personal, on your devices and in the cloud. Use clear and informative names for folders and files to easily locate them when needed.

7. Remove Unused Apps and Clean DownloadsRegularly delete unused apps and clean up download folders to free up storage space and reduce the risk of exploitation.

8. Minimize Mailing ListsUnsubscribe from mailing lists and websites that are no longer relevant to reduce the risk of phishing and minimize spam emails.

9. Check and Wipe Old DevicesBefore selling, donating, or disposing of old devices, ensure you transfer personal data to the cloud and wipe it from the device to prevent unauthorized access.

10. Set Up Automatic BackupsEstablish automatic backups to the cloud or external drives to protect important data from technical failures or cyber attacks.

Osher Assor is the Cyber Manager at AUREN Israel.
