Protecting your home: A comprehensive guide

The 7th October left no choice: We created a comprehensive guide to home defense

  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The events of October 7 taught us more than ever about the need for and necessity of defending our homes. Suddenly, it wasn't just the usual concerns about burglaries and thefts, but a real fear of hostile intrusion into our homes. So how can we restore our sense of security?

Who doesn't know the common saying "My home is my castle," a phrase symbolizing the sense of security that every person feels in their home, a place where their privacy is preserved behind four walls, a place that allows them to do almost anything they please. The phrase, based on an old English saying meaning "an Englishman's home is his castle," indeed expresses the basic sense of security that a home provides its occupants, but in reality, the home is not always the most secure fortress. This is evidenced by the numerous cases of theft and burglary occurring across the country and around the world.

Means of defense to restore your personal security

So how can we ensure that our home is adequately secured so that we can sleep peacefully at night without fear of break-ins, thefts, or acts of terror? It is precisely for this purpose that home defense systems were created and developed, including, among other things, bars, gates, fences, and more. What types exist in the market, and how can we determine which type is suitable for us precisely? Here are all the answers.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)


The world of bars is divided into three main types: straight bars, belly bars, and folding bars. A straight bar, as its name implies, is a straight metal bar that does not protrude outward but rather encloses the room's space and closes off the area. This type of bar may not always look aesthetically pleasing (resembling somewhat a cage as it is attached to the wall), but with the addition of decorative elements and grilles, it can be beautified. In contrast, the belly bar is a bar that protrudes outward with a kind of "belly," which looks more aesthetically pleasing externally and also allows for hanging pots or various decorations. This type of bar is the most popular.

The third type is the folding bar, which allows for outward opening or sliding opening, making it suitable primarily for windows with laundry lines or for bathrooms. All bars will do the job against break-ins, but it should be ensured that the bar's thickness is at least 12 mm, and it is recommended to install a solid iron bar rather than a hollow bar, as it is much harder to cut.


Similar to bars, in the world of home entry gates, one must first familiarize oneself with the existing types in the market in order to make the best choice for you. Currently, there are several main models in the market, as follows:

Wing gate - a gate with one or two wings, manual or electric, made of a variety of materials and opens sideways by sliding.

Cantilever sliding gate - an electric gate usually made of metal, sliding over a frame so that it appears to float in the air.

Track sliding gate - a strong and heavy-duty electric gate that slides on a bottom and top rail.

Gates are made of various materials such as metal, iron, wood, plastic, or reinforced glass, and can be combined with decorative work in plastic, glass, and wood. If your main purpose in purchasing the gate is protection and security, it is recommended to choose an electric gate, tall and robust, with a surveillance and control system that includes an intercom, audio and video system, encoding system, or magnetic card, and also the option of remote opening via remote control, phone, or push button. This way, you can open the gate every time guests arrive without leaving the house. By the way, when choosing an electric gate, it is important to ensure that the gate has manual backup in case of power outages or other malfunctions. This is, by the way, the major disadvantage of electric gates compared to simple mechanical gates.


Home yard fences come in a variety of models, the main ones being wood, metal, and aluminum. The type of fence that provides the highest protection is metal, and these fences are characterized as solid, strong, and resistant to harsh conditions. Metal fences can be made of iron, steel, or other metals and are suitable for those who want to add a sense of strength and prestige to their property. In terms of price, metal fences may be more expensive than wood or aluminum fences, but they offer durability and security over time. Beyond the price issue, metal fences require moderate maintenance compared to the lighter aluminum fences that require low maintenance. Those who specifically want a decorative wood fence should consider that it does not provide maximum protection for the home and that the wood's maintenance level is considered to be the highest among all fences.

  (credit: PR)
(credit: PR)

Phoenix Home Insurance: Protecting Your Peace of Mind

So yes, we can protect our homes with various means and not only place fences, gates, and bars in them but also additionally install sophisticated alarm and surveillance systems, advanced intercom systems, sensitive sensors in curtains and pots on the balcony, and more. But at the end of the day, we all know that every break-in, even the smallest, calls for a thief, so if we really want to be calm, it is recommended not to rely solely on defense systems but also to equip ourselves with suitable insurance.

And here comes into the picture Phoenix Smart, which currently offers a comprehensive and cost-effective package with home insurance consisting of building insurance and contents insurance. Thus, you will be covered both against various damages to the structure of the apartment, such as fire damage, extreme weather damage, earthquake damage, and burglary and theft damage, and against damages caused to property that is not part of the apartment structure in a variety of scenarios.

It is important to note that Phoenix's home insurance also includes extensive third-party coverage alongside coverage for bodily injury and property damage - for example, a case where a person slips on the entrance to your home or a flowerpot falls from the balcony onto the neighbor's car. By the way, Phoenix's extensive third-party coverage also includes liability insurance for household workers, so you can be calm when you hire a permanent worker at home, all subject to the conditions and exclusions stipulated in the policy.

For more information on Phoenix home insurance, click here.

In collaboration with The Phoenix.
