Holiday stain removal: Tips for cleaning clothes and tablecloths

Remove holiday stains: Tips for cleaning festive wine-stained tablecloths & clothes with honey and fish sauce drippings. Say goodbye to stubborn stains post-feast!

 Always always start by checking the instructions on the label. Label with washing instructions (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Always always start by checking the instructions on the label. Label with washing instructions
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

The holidays are over and we were left with a respectable laundry pile containing the clothes and tablecloths that got dirty and stained during the holiday meals. Where do you start?

We asked Asaf Mutlu, product manager of Constructa's washing machines, to give us tips on how to wash the clothes stained by the fish sauce, the tablecloth that had spilled wine on it and the dress that had dripped honey on it.

"It is important to take care of stains as soon as they are formed, before the stain is fixed," he explains and adds, "The first and most important rule for washing clothes is to check the manufacturer's washing recommendations. You can find the instructions on the label for each and every piece of clothing, which will indicate the appropriate temperature for washing, recommendations for drying and is the garment even suitable for washing in a washing machine."

 Pour white wine over it or soak in milk. A splash of red wine (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Pour white wine over it or soak in milk. A splash of red wine (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Busting the myth: correct cleaning of white clothes: "A stain on a white garment may spread and damage itself, so it is important not to rub it. You can spray it with a stain remover and wash it in the washing machine at high heat," says Mutlu. Check the state of the stain after washing and before you transfer the item to dry - "Drying the garment with the stain may fix it. If the stain does not come off successfully, repeat the operation."

He also suggests not mixing cleaning agents, but using the same substance. Also, contrary to the myth, Mutlu says that you should not put white clothes stained with bleach because the clothes may turn yellow and the fabric fibers may be damaged. Sticky and sweet: this is how to clean honey stains: honey stains may spread to other places such as the sofa or hair due to the stickiness of the material.

"Honey stains can be easily removed by soaking briefly in hot water that dissolves the honey. The remaining stains can be gently removed with laundry soap and then continue cleaning in the washing machine."

 The piles of laundry left over from all the meals and entertainment will not wash themselves (unfortunately for you and us). Washing machine (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
The piles of laundry left over from all the meals and entertainment will not wash themselves (unfortunately for you and us). Washing machine (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

white or red? How to remove a wine stain: A red wine stain on a white shirt is a real threat, Mutlu shares with us a winning tip - "When the red wine stain forms, pour white wine to neutralize the color. After that, dry the stained garment well and wash it in the washing machine at a temperature of 40-60 degrees, but you have to check beforehand whether the temperature is suitable for you." A higher temperature may set the stain to a state where we cannot remove it later.

Another option is to soak the garment with the stain in cold milk which is considered an excellent stain removal liquid. "Soak the stained item for about two hours and then gently rub the stained area, before putting it in the washing machine."

Let's be the head and not the tail: how do you remove a stain from a fish sauce? "A stain from fish saturated in oil can come off easily with soap, which is actually an effective grease remover. Hair shampoo or dishwashing liquid can also do the job. Dilute the soap with water, apply to the stain and dry well. Then put in the washing machine and wash as usual."

Stay white until the next holiday - this is how to wash a tablecloth: items that are rarely used need gentle care in order to maintain the strength of the fibers and the color. Mutlu recommends placing the tablecloth in the bathtub immediately after the holiday meal. "Pour a stain remover gel on the stained spots and rub gently before putting it in the washing machine. Use the basic operating program of your machine with minimum spin to prevent the fabric from wrinkling."

He also adds that if there are stubborn stains that have not come off, you can wash the fabric again before drying, or try to spot treat them by rubbing with a damp cloth. As for drying, Mutlu explains that most fabrics should be dried on medium-high heat or using the regular dryer program.

"If you are ironing the tablecloths and napkins, it is recommended to take them out of the dryer when they are slightly damp, this will make the ironing process easier. If you use a steam iron, test it on an old fabric to make sure that the iron does not leave damp spots on the fabric or limescale, as they may cause the formation of Stains are difficult to remove."

For dessert

this is how you remove the chocolate from the clothes: "If the stain is liquid, for example from chocolate or cake cream, you should remove it very gently with a spoon or a blunt knife so that it does not spread and spread. After that, it is recommended to soak the garment in ice water for about an hour and try to rub the stain When the garment is inside out. Dry well and complete the cleaning in the washing machine."
