Weber's smart new grill: Genesis EPX - digital culinary genius

Explore the latest in smart grills by Weber, featuring Weber Connect Technology for real-time monitoring and notifications direct to your smartphone, enhancing the grilling experience.

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(photo credit: PR)

Introducing the Genesis EPX-335 and EPX-435, equipped with three and four burners respectively. These grills boast Weber Connect technology, connecting to the app via Bluetooth, allowing users to receive real-time notifications on food temperature directly to their phones. Users can precisely monitor the grilling process until achieving the desired perfection. Additional features include selecting desired doneness, receiving alerts for flipping meat, reaching set temperatures, and setting a countdown timer displaying food readiness and estimated cooking time.

Weber Connect's smart technology represents a significant advancement, combining traditional grilling with modern digital convenience. It aims to enhance the grilling experience by offering control and versatility when using Weber grills. Furthermore, the grills feature built-in "NIGHTVISION" LED lighting, illuminating the entire grill surface and buttons for ease of use during any time of day.

Moreover, they come with a built-in WEBER CRAFTED frame, compatible with various brand-specific accessories such as griddles, pizza stones, vegetable grilling baskets, searing grates, and more. These additions expand grilling and cooking options, essentially transforming it into a complete outdoor kitchen.

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(credit: PR)

The app provides step-by-step guidance throughout the grilling process and sends direct messages and notifications to smartphones. From preparation to serving, users receive instructions on when to place food on the grates, when to flip, when it's ready, how to achieve desired doneness, and even when it's time to serve. This assists both novice and experienced grillers by exposing users to new cooking techniques and ensuring consistency in grilling results. These notifications help prevent overcooking and ensure that meals are grilled to perfection every time.

Additionally, the app offers a wealth of recipes tailored to Weber grills, accompanied by grilling instructions using the technology. Whether grilling meat, poultry, vegetables, making pizzas, or other recipes, the app offers options to suit everyone's taste and nutritional preferences.

Available at authorized retailers.

The grill

  • GENESIS EPX-435 - This is a gas grill with four stainless steel burners and an additional searing burner, alongside a side burner for frying, boiling water, or heating sauces. Additionally, it features an expanded double upper grate for heating or grilling additional cuts, a particularly large side shelf for food preparation and serving, and 6 hooks for utensils on the grill. It has a total heat output of 72,000 BTU and a primary grilling area of ​​4,168 square centimeters. Dimensions (lid closed): Height- 123.19 cm, Width- 173.99 cm, Depth- 38.58 cm. Recommended retail price: NIS 10,490.00.
  • GENESIS EPX-335 - This is a gas grill with three stainless steel burners and an additional searing burner, alongside a side burner for frying, boiling water, or heating sauces. Additionally, it features an expanded double upper grate for heating or grilling additional cuts, a particularly large side shelf for food preparation and serving, and 6 hooks for utensils on the grill. It has a total heat output of 64,000 BTU and a primary grilling area of ​​3,310 square centimeters. Dimensions (lid closed): Height-123.19 cm, Width- 157.48 cm, Depth- 68.58 cm. Recommended retail price: NIS 9,490.00.
