The newest aesthetic treatments that do not require surgery

New equipment in aesthetics meets demand for non-surgical treatments. Aesthetic injections replace surgery, offering natural, youthful looks without going under the knife.

  Today more than ever, it is easy to look young. A man undergoing aesthetic treatment /  (photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
Today more than ever, it is easy to look young. A man undergoing aesthetic treatment /
(photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Social networks and the accessibility of cameras have completely changed self-perception and awareness of external appearance.

People are taking more pictures, looking for the right filter and seeking recognition from the public for their appearance. Today more than ever it is easy to look young and the good news is that the way to a look that does not require a filter does not have to go under a surgeon's knife. "In recent years, we see that there is a high awareness of the external appearance" describes Maram Silman, who is responsible for the field of aesthetics at the Maram Silman Medical Complex, which combines dental treatments and aesthetic treatments under one roof.

"Life expectancy has increased, people feel younger in body and soul, and want to look younger in appearance as well. 40 is the new 30 and 50 is the new 40 and this is not a slogan but a developing trend, which we are seeing right before our eyes," she describes Sillman. "Aesthetic injections have become a matter of maintenance, just like visiting the barber once in a while. Nowadays, unlike in the past, people no longer hesitate to say that they "inject" acids to maintain a well-kept and vital appearance."

  The treatment itself lasts up to a year and a half on average. Hyaluronic acid treatment in the nose  (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
The treatment itself lasts up to a year and a half on average. Hyaluronic acid treatment in the nose (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

According to her, the treatments answer a fundamental need. "For example, nose sculpting treatment using hyaluronic acid solves many problems, starting with a nose with a hump or an aquiline nose, also many times patients come to the clinic after nose surgery (from the time when they used to crush the bone) because they are not satisfied with the result and want to improve their appearance, but Not to undergo another nose surgery."

Hyaluronic acid is a familiar substance found in the body. When we inject it into the nose area, it "softens" the area and allows us to design the profile on both sides, so that we can give the patient an aesthetic appearance. Adding the material itself allows us to create the illusion of a profile, suitable for the shape and structure of the face. Many times we lift the tip of the nose, treat bumps and "straighten" the nose. The treatment itself lasts up to a year and a half on average, after which the nose returns to its original appearance, and the treatment can be repeated."

  No longer ashamed to smile. Smiling woman  (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
No longer ashamed to smile. Smiling woman (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

"Gummy Smile" or as it is called professionally, botox injection to relax the muscle in the upper lip is a common treatment that replaces gum surgery. "In the best situation, the smile will reveal between one and two millimeters of the gums, in a gummy smile, the smile is excessively exposed, and this situation causes many people to be ashamed of their smile and smile with their mouth closed," Silman explains. "Gummy smile is created for several reasons, which originate from anatomical structure, when talking, singing, laughing and smiling, the upper muscles of the mouth lift the upper lip excessively and reveal a large area of the gums. Sometimes this is due to a short upper lip, every movement of which pulls it upwards.

A gummy smile may be created as a result of a high upper jaw, or very short teeth (which may sometimes be shortened due to hyperplastic gingivitis) and there is another factor, which concerns the over erupting of the teeth, which pull the lip upwards." In the gummy smile treatment, Botox (botulinum toxin) is injected ) to the upper lip to relax the muscles and thus hide the exposed gums. The treatment lasts up to a year, and can be repeated after the substance dissolves. in the situation It is important to emphasize that Botox does not "inflate" the lips, but only relaxes the muscles in the upper lip, at the same time it is possible to combine lip shaping treatment using hyaluronic acid.

  A treatment suitable for thinning hair but not baldness. A woman looks in the mirror  (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)
A treatment suitable for thinning hair but not baldness. A woman looks in the mirror (credit: SHUTTERSTOCK)

Hyaluronic acid is used for additional purposes and besides sculpting different areas of the face, it can be used to improve the texture of the skin. "It is indeed true, the hyaluronic acid moisturizes the face, it is injected into the lower layers of the skin and restores volume in areas that have lost volume or suffer from a "shadow" that emphasizes the sagging of the face. For example, the eye socket area suffers greatly from the casting of the shadow and gives a tired, aged and neglected look, women And many men, who choose to perform the treatment, are surprised how it is possible to give the face a radiant and fresh look by injecting hyaluronic acid into certain areas according to the initial diagnosis.

This is a particularly popular treatment, and I call it the fountain of youth, it's a real skin booster." "Other treatments that we perform with hyaluronic acid include restoring volume and shaping the jaw line, shaping the cheek socket, shaping the soft tissue, which tend to sink and significantly affect the structure of the face, blurring the wrinkles on the sides of the mouth (the two lines, which give an older look) beyond that, it is a material natural, which exists in the body and allows us to control the design, emphasize the treated area to the desired extent and achieve natural results, which are maintained for up to a year and a half. This also depends on the facial area and the result varies from patient to patient."

PRP is a plasma treatment, a liquid extracted from the patient's blood platelets and injected into the scalp area in order to re-stimulate the cells responsible for hair growth, and even helps prevent baldness. "It is an innovative and safe treatment without side effects, which provides results for women and men," Silman explains. "During the treatment itself, blood is taken from the patient, which is transferred to a special machine, whose role is to separate the plasma. In the next step, the plasma platelets are injected into the areas of the scalp without platelets.

In fact, we take a natural substance in the body and artificially inject it into the scalp area in order to speed up the blood flow. The treatment is suitable, when Those interested in preserving hair transplants, or as a prevention of baldness. The best result of the treatment is reflected in the restoration of hair density and the maintenance of hair texture, shine, health and beauty.

The treatment itself is performed in a series of two or three treatments, and then conservation treatments can be performed once a year." It is important to know that PRP treatment for hair loss is suitable for women and men and addresses thinning hair, but not baldness.

"Duato" is a device that operates on laser technology from two different sources, each of which can be operated separately, together or alternately, even though it is a laser device for hair removal, it is also used to eliminate capillaries and veins. "It is a quick and safe treatment, which helps treat the accumulation of veins and capillaries on the surface of the skin.

The treatment is painless and has no side effects, and the main advantage of it is that you can achieve quick results in several treatments."

The MM clinic in the Lower Galilee region offers under one roof advanced dental treatments and innovative aesthetic medicine for the treatment of skin problems, hair loss, restoration of volume, design and sculpting of various areas of the face and more.

For more details, contact: 072-3202619
