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Top 5 Online Mixing & Mastering Services: Find Your Best Match

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

In the ever-changing music industry, emerging artists typically seek professional mixing and mastering services to improve their compositions. Access to top-tier audio engineering has never been easier because of digital platforms.

This article highlights the top 5 online mixing and mastering services for young artists. Each service was selected for its output quality, price, and capacity to meet the demands of inexperienced artists seeking a breakthrough. 

These services guarantee studio-quality sound to improve audio dynamics and make your music stand out on Spotify and Apple Music. This list can help you find the right audio partner for your song, whether you're a single artist or in a band, hip-hop to pop.

What are online mixing and mastering services?

Online mixing and mastering services are, in essence, professional audio finishing options available to musicians and producers without the need to be physically present at a studio. These services allow you to send your raw music tracks digitally, and professional sound engineers then employ studio-grade equipment and software to enhance each element of your song.

The process of mixing involves adjusting and combining individual tracks within a session to create a stereo audio file. Mix engineers focus on elements such as:

Levels and Balance: Making sure every part of the song is heard clearly without overpowering others.

Equalization (EQ): Shaping the tonal balance so that every instrument and voice sits well in the mix.

Dynamics: Controlling the loudness and impact of tracks.

Effects: Adding reverb, delay, and other mixing effects to craft a unique atmosphere.

Mastering, on the other hand, takes the mixed audio track to polish and prepare it for distribution. Mastering engineers work to ensure your song translates well across all listening platforms by focusing on:

  • Loudness: Achieving a commercial-sounding level without losing dynamic range.
  • Spacing and Sequence: Correctly timing the gaps between tracks for albums or EPs.
  • Tone and Cohesion: Giving the final mix a consistent sound quality.

Top 5 online mixing and mastering services for up-and-coming artists

When starting out in the music industry, finding the right mixing and mastering services can be pivotal for an artist's success. I've researched thoroughly to compile a list of the top services that cater to the unique needs of emerging talent.


One of Fiverr's most experienced mixing and mastering engineers, Despic, has a 5 star rating from over 619 reviews. Formed in December 2018, Serbian sound designer, musician, and music producer Despic has over 15 years of experience.

His EDM, Pop, and Trap-focused service appeals to many musical artists. Despic stresses the need of pre-order communication to evaluate track quality and project details for the greatest music outcome.

(credit: fivver.com)
(credit: fivver.com)

He offers audio polishing, dynamic EQ, compression, and stereo augmentation to get a professional sound. Despic also offers Autotune and stem export for complete mixing and mastering.

Despic's dedication to achieving the greatest sound on whatever device, high-end plugins, and professional approach make him a top Fiverr mixing and mastering option. Despic's profile can give your song a professional edge.

Find Out Despic's Fiverr Profile. 


The Netherlands-based mixing and mastering engineer Mahyar has a 4.9 Fiverr rating from 593 reviews. Mahyar has worked as a mixer, recorder, editor, and FOH Engineer for a decade and is dedicated to improving client songs. His versatility in Hip-hop, Pop, and Rap means many musicians can benefit from his services.

Perfect vocal tuning, time correction, level balance, and client-specific effects like reverb and delay are Mahyar's services. 

  (credit: fivver.com)
(credit: fivver.com)

He mixes with analog gear and Neve Preamp reamping, and his mastering services improve loudness, stereo imaging, and dynamic and frequency balance.

Mahyar guarantees satisfaction with extensive modification possibilities for $60 for 6 stems and $100 for 20 stems. His attention to detail and readiness to provide mixed stems and online mastering make him a top choice for artists seeking a radio-ready sound.

Explore Mahyar's Fiverr profile 

Salar K

With 354 5-star reviews, Fiverr podcast editing, mixing, and mastering professional Salar K is well-regarded. Founded in Pakistan and proficient in English, French, German, and Spanish, Salar K has provided podcasters with a wide range of services to improve podcast quality since October 2021. 

His complete service package includes audio/video podcast editing, background noise removal, audio engineering, intros, outros, and commercials to give every episode a professional sound.

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(credit: fivver.com)

Salar K's unique offer: editing one episode for free with every fourth episode shows his commitment to podcast audio quality. This shows his dedication to client satisfaction and long-term connections. Salar K offers limitless changes for $15 basic editing and $60 elaborate editing of larger episodes, demonstrating his dedication to the client's vision.

Podcasters wishing to brand their content professionally will benefit from his commercial mastering and volume constancy. Global companies trust Salar K, an editor and digital nomad, to increase sound quality.

Contact Salar K  on Fiverr to offer excellent audio to your podcasts.

Roma M.

Roma M., a Fiverr Top Rated seller under rregularrecords, is a renowned audio editor, mixer, and master with 203 5-star reviews. Roma M., based in Georgia and fluent in English, Georgian, and Russian, has provided unmatched audio services since April 2019. 

His specialties are Hip-hop, Pop, and rap, where he has completed over 1000 projects and received over 600 5-star evaluations.

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(credit: fivver.com)

Roma M.'s unique offer to clients is a free sample/preview of the final master before payment, guaranteeing clients are satisfied with their song's sound after mastering. He offers limitless changes to demonstrate his dedication to client happiness with each job.

Roma M. makes your tracks well-balanced, wide, clean, clear, and loud for dissemination across platforms. Roma M. uses analog and digital equipment to master tracks from $25 to $95 for five songs.

Mastering from Roma M. maximizes your music. Roma M. is online and ready to collaborate, so let him make your music sparkle on Spotify and Apple Music. 

Contact Roma M. today on Fiverr to begin.

Saud Khalid

Fiverr mixing and mastering engineer Saud Khalid has a 4.9-star rating from 99 reviews. Saud has spent years perfecting his Hip-hop, Pop, and Rap song-revival skills in Pakistan. Open communication from the start is his top priority for client happiness.

Saud's services include pitch correction, EQ changes to reduce harsh frequencies, background noise reduction, vocal timing repairs, stereo imaging, compression, limiting, and creative effects like Slutter and Radio for adlibs. He wants to produce a well-balanced, louder, cleaner sound that meets professional standards.

  (credit: fivver.com)
(credit: fivver.com)

Saud guarantees satisfaction with unlimited revisions on packages starting at $10 for basic mixing and mastering up to 5 stems, $20 for up to 10 stems, and $30 for up to 20 stems. His fast turnaround and expedited delivery choices show his commitment to quality and timeliness.

Saud Khalid is the engineer artists turn to to improve their tracks. He welcomes you to discuss how he can improve your music with his enthusiasm for mixing and mastering. 

Track Saud Khalid on Fiverr to elevate your song to industry standards.

The benefits of using online mixing and mastering services

Online mixing and mastering services alter music refinement. I'll explain why contemporary artists need these internet solutions for more than just convenience.

Internet accessibility is a major benefit. I can now work with top sound engineers worldwide from my home studio because I'm no longer limited by geography. I feel empowered to send my music at any moment and get professionally mixed and mastered results.

Cost-effectiveness is another benefit. Traditional studio charges can be too expensive for emerging artists on a budget. Online services offer a choice of bundles to fit different budgets, allowing me to choose a solution that doesn't break the bank but retains sound quality.

Delivery speed is another highlight. Music business deadlines are understood by online services. Quick turnaround times help me keep up with the business and meet release schedules by getting my tracks ready faster.

Online services use certain skills and equipment. Having access to a large pool of talented people with top-notch gear and software changes everything. High-end plugins and precise editing tools in the hands of expert professionals make my music top-notch.

The feedback and communication channels with these services are efficient. Clear communication keeps my artistic vision intact. I need to be allowed to discuss modifications and express my desires without fear of misinterpretation to get the sound I want.

Factors to consider when choosing an online mixing and mastering service

When embarking on the quest to find the perfect online mixing and mastering service, there are several key factors I always keep in mind to ensure my music hits the mark every time.

Experience and PortfolioFirst and foremost, I delve into the experience and portfolio of the engineers. A diverse and rich portfolio is indicative of a sound engineer’s prowess and adaptability to various music styles. I make it a point to listen to before-and-after samples to gauge the level of quality and the transformative power of their mixing and mastering.

Service CustomizationMy next step is to assess whether the service offers customization. A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in the music industry, so I look for services that are willing to tailor their packages according to my specific needs. This could mean anything from the number of revisions allowed to the format of the final product delivered.

Communication and SupportEffective communication is critical. I prefer services that provide clear and consistent channels of communication. The ability to easily convey my vision and receive timely feedback can make a world of difference. It's essential the service provides reliable customer support for any technical or creative issues that might arise.

Turnaround TimeGiven that time is often of the essence, I consider the promised turnaround time. It's vital for the service to meet my deadlines without compromising on quality. Fast delivery times can be a significant advantage, especially when working on a tight schedule.

Pricing StructureLastly, price is always a consideration. I explore the pricing structure in depth to ensure there are no hidden costs. Looking for services with transparent pricing helps prevent any unwelcome surprises when the bill arrives.

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Rising musicians may struggle to navigate the large online mixing and mastering providers. However, the Top 5 services in this guide stand out for their quality, cost, and dedication to developing new talent. 

Each service combines technical skill, creative sensitivity, and customized care to give every track clarity, depth, and professional polish. These services can help you realize your musical idea by capturing the subtleties of a pop tune or the raw energy of a hip-hop beat. 

By partnering with one of these prestigious online platforms, musicians invest in their song's sound and their future success in the competitive music market. Allow yourself to shine with a unique tone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between mixing and mastering?

Mixing is the process of combining multiple layers of audio to make one final track, adjusting levels, panning, and applying effects. Mastering is the final step of audio post-production, enhancing the overall sound, ensuring consistency across tracks, and preparing it for distribution.

How do I choose the right online mixing and mastering service?

Consider the service's portfolio, client reviews, turnaround time, communication style, and whether they specialize in your genre of music. A free sample or demo can also help you decide.

Can I get my song professionally mixed and mastered on a budget?

Yes, many online services offer competitive pricing and packages tailored to up-and-coming artists with varying budgets. Some even provide single-song deals or discounts on EPs and albums.

How long does online mixing and mastering take?

Turnaround times can vary from 24 hours to a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and the service provider’s current workload. Be sure to discuss deadlines upfront.

Do I need to prepare my tracks in a specific way before sending them for mixing and mastering?

Yes, each service may have its specifications, but generally, you should provide high-quality, individual stem files (usually in WAV format), without clipping, and with some headroom. Remove any effects or processing you're not committed to keeping.

What if I’m not satisfied with the final mix or master?

Most reputable services offer revisions within their packages. It’s important to communicate clearly about what you’re not satisfied with, so the engineer knows exactly what to adjust.
