From 30,000 to 5,000: Sderot in the midst of war

KKL-JNF is Reviving Hope in a Shattered City

Animal therapy makes a difference for children from Sderot. Here is how

Animal-based therapy is one of the services offered by the Sderot Resilience Center supported by KKL-JNF. After October 7, the need for it has soared.

Providing resilience to the embattled residents of Sderot

This is how the Sderot Resilience Center is helping traumatized citizens to overcome fear and grief, with the support of KKL-JNF.

The bond between Israel and global Jewry has grown stronger than ever - opinion

Throughout the war, an ongoing and noteworthy awakening is taking place among world Jewry and other supporters of Israel, as they actively engage in assisting the country’s war efforts.


Global perceptions of the Jewish People are shaped by a strong Jewish sovereignty in Israel

Antisemitism is a daily occurrence, even in traditional liberal locations like European capitals and major US cities.


‘Now is the time for everyone to help Israeli farmers’ say KKL-JNF workers

KKL-JNF employees participated in agricultural harvesting and packaging throughout the country.

KKL-JNF helped build the Gaza border communities and will do so again

In 1943, KKL-JNF assisted in purchasing land in the Negev, and three years later, eleven kibbutzim were founded.

KKL-JNF is fostering Israel’s resilience. This is how you can help

Discover all the initiatives Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund is spearheading to help Israelis in need and soldiers.

The residents of Sderot need help. This is how KKL-JNF is providing it

KKL-JNF has been supporting the Sderot Resilience Complex for years. Now its services are more crucial than ever.

‘What happened here was a Holocaust,’ kibbutz survivor tells KKL-JNF team

Since the beginning of the war, KKL-JNF has stepped up its efforts to assist victims, soldiers and displaced Israelis, as well as share their stories with the world.

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