Puzzling challenge: Rearrange 2 matches to solve the math equation

Test your skills and solve this puzzle by rearranging just two matches in the incorrect equation displayed.

Move only two matches to solve the exercise (photo credit: Adobe stock)
Move only two matches to solve the exercise
(photo credit: Adobe stock)

A viral brain teaser is causing quite a stir on the Internet, leaving many scratching their heads.

The puzzle was shared on TikTok by an account known for sharing quizzes and personality tests.

The article image shows an incorrect math equation: 90-44=10. It consists of 31 matches. Your task is to identify and move two matches to transform it into the correct equation. To succeed, you must think creatively and "outside the box." The solution will be revealed at the end of this article.

Can you solve the matchstick equation puzzle?

Were you able to figure out which matches need to be moved to solve the equation? If not, don't worry about it, as it's a tough one. 

The solution is provided below, along with the two crucial steps required to arrive at the correct equation. 

First step (Credit: Adobe Stock)
First step (Credit: Adobe Stock)

The solution is right before you (Credit: Adobe Stock)
The solution is right before you (Credit: Adobe Stock)
