The middle seat on a plane could save your life

Truthfully, there is no need to worry about such things when boarding a plane, but if you are still concerned, we've got you covered.

 Empty plane seats.  (photo credit: JONATHAN CUTRER/FLICKR)
Empty plane seats.

Passengers sit in different spots on a plane for a variety of reasons. Some prefer more legroom, others want to sit next to the window, and there are others still who want to sit toward the front of the plane in order to deplane first. The question is: Is there a specific type of seat that can keep a passenger safe in the event of a plane crash? 

Truthfully, there is no need to worry about such things when boarding a plane, but if you are still concerned, asking yourself how you can be as safe as possible, here is your answer: 

According to aviation expert Prof. Doug Drury of Central Queensland University, the middle seats in the last rows of the plane are, statistically speaking, the safest place to be in the unlikely event of a crash. 

"The middle seats are safer than those near the window or the aisle, " he said. Investigations conducted over the last 35 years found that the rear middle seats had the lowest fatality rate (28%), especially compared to the aisle seats in the middle of the plane (44%).

Safety tips and statistics 

 Plane seats.  (credit: Wikimedia Commons)
Plane seats. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Additionally, Prof. Drury noted that: "Sitting near the [emergency] exit can ensure a safer escape in case of emergency - as long as there is no fire nearby." He also explained that the safest seat may vary from plane to plane.

Approximately 229 people died in 2022 worldwide as a result of plane crashes, according to data from FlightGlobal. This was spread out over 12 total unfortunate events. Plane crashes, overall, are not very common. According to the US National Safety Council, the chance of dying in a plane crash is about 1 in 205,552 compared to 1 in 102 in a car. 
