Special needs Israelis contribute to war efforts in their own way

"Hameshakem's employees have been working tirelessly since the onset of the conflict to supply the necessary equipment to the IDF and support the home front," the organization's chairman said.

Dozens of special needs employees of the Hameshakem organization have been contributing significantly to reinforcing Israel's home front. (photo credit: Hameshakem)
Dozens of special needs employees of the Hameshakem organization have been contributing significantly to reinforcing Israel's home front.
(photo credit: Hameshakem)

Dozens of special needs employees of the Hameshakem organization have been contributing significantly to reinforcing Israel's home front, by sewing new clothes for them and assisting in the creation of medical equipment, according to a press release by the leading social enterprise.

Hameshakem's branch in Holon has been focused on preparing gauze pads following specific requirements for Israeli hospitals. These are then packaged for sterilization and subsequently delivered to Tel HaShomer Hospital for use in treating the wounded. Additionally, Elbit Systems has entrusted the Hameshakem staff in Holon with parts for assembling communication devices that are indispensable to IDF soldiers, particularly in these times.

In addition, six sewing facilities, most located in the north of Israel and employing around 180 workers, have been producing uniforms for IDF soldiers. Recognized as essential operations, these factories have been functioning under a directive from the State of Israel to meet production demands. 

Hameshakem, which has been a pivotal institution since its establishment by the Welfare and Social Security Ministry with the World Zionist Organization, has played a critical role in supporting the community infrastructure, the press release detailed.

"Hameshakem is an embodiment of the Israeli spirit"

"Hameshakem is an embodiment of the Israeli spirit, championing the occupational rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities for decades," the press release stated. Since 1958, the enterprise has been a significant employer of special needs workers, now boasting a workforce of 2,700.

A Hameshakem volunteer. (credit: Hameshakem)
A Hameshakem volunteer. (credit: Hameshakem)

Hernan Felman, Chairman of Hameshakem, was quoted saying: "In this intricate situation, Hameshakem's employees have been working tirelessly since the onset of the conflict to supply the necessary equipment to the IDF and support the home front. From sewing uniforms to assembling communication devices, from refurbishing computers for local children to preparing hospital gauze pads, our workers are 'putting their shoulder to the wheel' and feel they are part of an honorable mission."
