Germany clears use of two Heron TP combat drones by Israel

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Wednesday approved a request by Israel for the drone use over the weekend, said Der Spiegel, which did not specify its sources.

A Heron TP, also known as the IAI Eitan, surveillance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) flies during an official inauguration ceremony at Tel Nof Air Force Base near Tel Aviv February 21, 2010 (photo credit: Gil Cohen-Magen/Reuters)
A Heron TP, also known as the IAI Eitan, surveillance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) flies during an official inauguration ceremony at Tel Nof Air Force Base near Tel Aviv February 21, 2010
(photo credit: Gil Cohen-Magen/Reuters)

Germany has given Israel the go-ahead to use two Heron TP combat drones in its counter-attack against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, German magazine Der Spiegel reported on Wednesday.

Germany had rented the two Israel-made combat drones to train 16 prospective German drone pilots in Israel but the military trainees are now returning to Germany because of the Hamas attack.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius on Wednesday approved a request by Israel for the drone use over the weekend, said Der Spiegel, which did not specify its sources.

A spokesperson for the defence ministry in Berlin said she could not immediately comment on the Spiegel report.

The conflict so far

Israel's death toll rose to 1,200 on Wednesday with over 2,700 wounded, its military said, from Hamas militants' hours-long rampage after breaching the fence enclosing Gaza on Saturday.

The Eitan, also known as Heron TP, an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle, is seen on display during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visit to the Tel Nof airforce base in southern Israel, August 17, 2016. (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)
The Eitan, also known as Heron TP, an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle, is seen on display during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visit to the Tel Nof airforce base in southern Israel, August 17, 2016. (credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS)

Israeli reprisal strikes on blockaded Gaza have killed 1,100 people and wounded 5,339, Gaza's Health Ministry said.
