Be’eri art gallery finds temporary home at Romano House in Tel Aviv

The Gallery at Kibbutz Be’eri, which was burnt down during the October 7 Hamas massacre, will relocate to Romano House in Tel Aviv and will continue to showcase the work of top Israeli artists.

 SOPHIE BERZON MACKAI (right) and Ziva Yellin (third from right) prepare for the opening of the Kibbutz Be'eri gallery at Romano House in Tel Aviv. (photo credit: NADAV BARNEA)
SOPHIE BERZON MACKAI (right) and Ziva Yellin (third from right) prepare for the opening of the Kibbutz Be'eri gallery at Romano House in Tel Aviv.
(photo credit: NADAV BARNEA)

The Gallery at Kibbutz Be’eri, which was burnt down during the October 7 Hamas massacre, will relocate to Romano House in Tel Aviv for the next three years, with support from YBOX Real Estate and the Tel Aviv municipality.

YBOX, the owners of Romano house, announced that they will not charge the gallery any rent and the Tel Aviv municipality also said that they will not charge property or other taxes.

In the meantime, Germany’s Bundestag will fund the €7 million reconstruction of Kibbutz Be’eri’s art gallery, German President Frank Walter Steinheimer announced on Monday while on a visit to the Kibbutz Be’eri with President Isaac Herzog, on Monday. 

 A HOUSE destroyed by fire during the October 7 massacre in Kibbutz Be’eri. (credit: Courtesy)
A HOUSE destroyed by fire during the October 7 massacre in Kibbutz Be’eri. (credit: Courtesy)

Showcasing top Israeli artists

The Gallery at Kibbutz Be’eri played a significant role in showcasing the work of top Israeli artists for the last 37 years.

It opened in October 1986 and had been showcasing top Israeli artists since then, with over 400 exhibitions organized by gallery curators Ziva Yellin and Sophie Berzon Mackie.

The Gallery was known for hosting meetings with artists, master classes, and guided tours for kids and groups, as well as workshops and cultural events; and was an important cultural center.

The move to Romano House means that it will be able to continue its cultural activities, exhibitions, and events.Last week, a work by Ziva Yellin which was rescued from the burnt gallery, was added to the Israeli Art collection at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. 
