Israeli man charged for inciting terror, rape, genocide of Palestinians

Noam Dayan, 34, was charged for inflammatory social media posts targeting Muslims and Gazan Palestinians in one of the most serious terror incitement cases of the Israel-Hamas War.

 Illustrative image of an arrest. (photo credit: PIXABAY)
Illustrative image of an arrest.
(photo credit: PIXABAY)

Israeli man Noam Dayan, 34 from Zichron Ya'acov, was indicted for inciting terrorism, rape, and genocide against Muslims amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas War in Gaza.

The indictment, filed at the Hadera Magistrate's Court, relates to his explicit and hateful publications directed at Arabs on Telegram.

Following his arrest by Zichron Ya'akov police officers, Dayan underwent interrogation by the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and the Israel Police and is currently being held in custody. Law enforcement officials have emphasized the gravity of his statements, considering them among the most severe cases of incitement witnessed since the The October 7 massacre. Dayan faces charges of direct incitement to terrorism, incitement to violence, incitement to racism, and publication of hate speech.

The most severe case of incitement against Muslims since the start of the Israel-Hamas War

The indictment, approved by the attorney-general and the state attorney, highlights Dayan's disturbing posts against Muslims in general, specifically targeting women and children, the Red Cross, and Hadash-Ta'al MK Ahmad Tibi.

The prosecution, represented by attorney Mor Ben Abu from the Haifa District Attorney's Office, requested that Dayan be kept in custody until the end of legal proceedings, citing him as a dangerous defendant who poses a significant threat to both the public and the state.

Noam Dayan's publications against Arabs and Muslims (Credit: Yoav Etiel)
Noam Dayan's publications against Arabs and Muslims (Credit: Yoav Etiel)

Judge Ehud Kaplan will further address the prosecution's request for continued detention, while Dayan's defense attorney, appointed by the Public Defender's Office, argues against it. A brief hearing was held Tuesday, during which Dayan's detention was extended until a final decision will be made.

According to the indictment, Dayan's offensive posts were made on Telegram in response to Hamas's October 7 massacre in the South. His Telegram account had the handle "Kahane," after far-right Israeli extremist Meir Kahane. After the initial account was deleted, he created another account with the same name, openly advocating for the slaughter of Palestinian children.

The indictment reveals that Dayan actively participated in multiple Telegram groups, where he published numerous statements directly inciting terrorism; expressing praise, sympathy, and encouragement for terrorism against Muslims; as well as spreading racism.

Documents submitted to the court indicate that in October, Dayan wrote: "Personally, I would relish blowing up Arab babies' skulls," "Palestinian girls should be raped," and "Death camps should be made for Palestinians."

Furthermore, he published words of praise, sympathy, support, and encouragement for acts of terrorism and racism, such as stating in a group message, "Ahmad Tibi should be hanged" and "What matters is killing every Muslim and Arab on Earth. We need 100,000,000 Baruch Goldsteins."

Noam Dayan's publications against Arabs and Muslims (Credit: Yoav Etiel)
Noam Dayan's publications against Arabs and Muslims (Credit: Yoav Etiel)

Approximately a month ago, he directly called for an act of terrorism, writing in the group, "Muslims must be exterminated, period. To the last. Muslims are not human beings; they are not even cockroaches. They are air, dust, nothing. Exterminate the plague." When a member of the Telegram group challenged him with, "What's wrong with you?" Dayan responded, "Read the testimonies from the massacre, and then you'll go out and kill Palestinian children yourself."

The prosecution's request for arrest emphasizes the "concrete and personal dangerousness of the defendant," highlighting his systematic engagement in serious incitement to terrorism, racism, and violence, as well as his praise for heinous murderers.

Dayan's defense lawyer stated, "He has no criminal record. We have yet to receive the investigation materials, and we will present our arguments in court after reviewing them."
