IDF plans to establish co-working spaces like WeWork for reservist use

"No one here counts the days," says a senior reserve officer, who also holds a senior position in a food company. "We are here as long as they need us"

 Soldiers inside of the IDF's WeWork facility (photo credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON UNIT)
Soldiers inside of the IDF's WeWork facility

The Southern Command's operation in Gaza to take out Hamas terrorist infrastructure has required the dedication of IDF soldiers and reservists. In an effort to not put their lives on pause, the IDF has worked to develop a new space for soldiers to unwind and remotely contribute to their normal jobs while in service.

Soldiers are present on the battlefield, in headquarters, in planning, intelligence, and attack groups, and in the logistics and engineering fields. Although most of them were recruited by Order 8 a month ago, some of them volunteered to man key positions and help in whatever way possible.

In the IDF, they are preparing to provide breathing space for the war for at least a few months, while relying on reservists. In one of the divisions of the Southern Command, work complexes were established for reservists in the field similar to WeWork for the benefit of those who need to do civilian office work.

Serving the soldiers needs outside of the army

The complex in the tent includes desks, computers, and printers. A similar complex will be established in the Galilee Formation in the Northern Command.

At this stage, the Personnel Directorate, the Defense Ministry, and the Finance Ministry jointly decided on a sum of approximately one billion shekels to be allocated to grants and increased payments to reservists, including the establishment of a fund in the first phase of NIS 70 million.

 The outside of the IDF's makeshift WeWork facility (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
The outside of the IDF's makeshift WeWork facility (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

No decision was made to reduce the size of the forces, but to build "breathing room" tracks for those fighting on the home front, on the front lines, and on the battlefield.

"No one in our division is counting days," said a senior reserve officer in the Southern Command, who also holds a senior position in one of the largest food companies in Israel. "Really, because everyone who has an important role, contributes to the achievement of the goals in his own way, with meaning, and understands that he must stay until he is told otherwise."

The officer added: "Each of us has a family, a job, and there are some with a business, commitments - we talk about it. There is no one who does not understand. Our jobs give their full support, the customers understand that we are also fighting for them. This is a great time to understand the Israeli spirit that comes out of here. We tell the commanding general - we are here as long as they need us."

A senior reserve officer, holding a senior management position in a real estate company, added: "If we leave before the right time, how will we look our families in the eye, our neighbors, our friends? If we don't reach our goals and give Hamas a hard blow from which it won't recover, how will we return home?"
