KKL-JNF Board visits communities in Gaza envelope

Heads of local authorities: “KKL- JNF was the first to stand by our side."

 KKL-JNF Board  visits communities in Gaza envelope. (photo credit: KKL-JNF)
KKL-JNF Board visits communities in Gaza envelope.
(photo credit: KKL-JNF)

The KKL-JNF Board of Directors, led by Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski, and the professional management team, toured communities in the Gaza envelope on Wednesday, visiting Ashkelon, Sderot, and Ofakim.

Afterwards, they held a meeting at KKL-JNF's offices in Gilat with the heads of the regional councils of  Hof Ashkelon, Merhavim, Sdot Negev, Sha'ar Hanegev, and Eshkol.

KKL-JNF members received briefings from the mayors and heads of the regional councils, regarding the situation in their communities, who described the challenges that residents of these communities have faced since the outbreak of the war.

Southern Israel in need of support

The regional council heads expressed  appreciation to KKL-JNF for its mobilization to support the communities and the residents of the south, and noted that KKL-JNF is the only organization that has already provided funds to the authorities for immediate assistance in the fields of security and aid for residents. 

KKL-JNF Chairwoman Ifat Ovadia-Luski said: "In 1946, eleven points were established in the Western Negev as part of the operations of the national institutions, including KKL-JNF. These are places like Be'eri, Urim, and Nirim. These are the communities that are affected these days, along with other communities in the area. We are facing a painful cycle, but it is our responsibility to rebuild these communities."

 KKL-JNF Board  visits communities in Gaza envelope. (credit: KKL-JNF)
KKL-JNF Board visits communities in Gaza envelope. (credit: KKL-JNF)

"These are days when the pages of Israel's history are being written, just like the wars of previous generations. It is a battle for our homeland. The national institutions, and KKL-JNF  in particular, have a historical role to continue the path of the founders of the country to lead the rebirth of the Western Negev."

In addition, the KKL- JNF Board of Directors approved an allocation of NIS 17 million for communities located along the conflict line in the north for the reinforcement of emergency response teams.
