Brother of Huwara attack victims marks bar mitzvah at graveside on Remembrance Day

Israelis who had come to the cemetery for Remembrance Day sang happy birthday and Mazel Tov to Tzur Yaniv.

 THE FAMILY of brothers Hallel, 21, and Yagel Yaniv, 19, who were shot dead Sunday driving through Huwara, speak to press in Har Bracha, on Monday. (photo credit: FLASH90)
THE FAMILY of brothers Hallel, 21, and Yagel Yaniv, 19, who were shot dead Sunday driving through Huwara, speak to press in Har Bracha, on Monday.
(photo credit: FLASH90)

Tzur Yaniv, the brother of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv who were murdered in a shooting attack in Huwara in February, marked his bar mitzvah next to their graves on Remembrance Day on Tuesday, according to N12.

Israelis who had come to the cemetery for Remembrance Day sang happy birthday and Mazel Tov to Yaniv.

On Monday night, Yaniv and his father, Shalom, recited the Kadish prayer at the Remembrance Day ceremony at the Western Wall.

The murders of Hallel and Yagel Yaniv

Hallel and Yagel, from the settlement of Har Bracha, were murdered on their way to their yeshivas when a Palestinian terrorist rammed into their car in Huwara and fired at least 12 bullets at them from point blank.

The terrorist behind the attack was killed in clashes with Israeli forces during a raid in Jenin in early March.
