Firecrackers hurled at Yoaz Hendel, Israeli protesters in Or Akiva

The group that marched with Hendel down the streets of Or Akiva was stopped by coalition activists, who told the demonstrators that "this is a Likud city."

 Former minister Yoaz Hendel during a rally in Or Akiva on March 21, 2023 (photo credit: YOAZ HENDEL)
Former minister Yoaz Hendel during a rally in Or Akiva on March 21, 2023
(photo credit: YOAZ HENDEL)

Former MK and communications minister Yoav Hendel was attacked with firecrackers during an anti-judicial reform rally held in the Likud stronghold of Or Akiva on Monday.

Hendel last week announced a campaign to rally with volunteers and reservists taking part in the nationwide demonstrations, specifically in cities and towns where the Likud-led Right holds a significant lead over the opposition bloc.

This, according to the former minister, is to avoid "a tragic reality of disintegration due to the judicial reform," as he wrote in an invitation to volunteers and Or Akiva residents.

Rally stopped by Likud activists

However, the group that marched with Hendel down the streets of Or Akiva was stopped by coalition activists, who told the demonstrators that "this is a Likud city, it's only Bibi and [National Security Minsiter] Ben-Gvir here," according to Ynet.

Then, the protesters reportedly hurled firecrackers at the rally.

 Former minister Yoaz Hendel during a rally in Or Akiva on March 21, 2023 (credit: YOAZ HENDEL)
Former minister Yoaz Hendel during a rally in Or Akiva on March 21, 2023 (credit: YOAZ HENDEL)

"The responsible Right's biggest challenge is to prevent the dismantling of the state," Hendel said following the incident in Or Akiva. "We are in critical moments when you need to stop everything and talk, in the government, the Knesset and the streets."

Hendel's mission is to convince Israeli residents of Likud strongholds such as Or Akiva that "with all due respect to the judicial reform, the Israeli people are more important."

Hendel stressed that "in Or Akiva, I met people who want to talk...we can not live in and be afraid to get there."

The altercation in Or Akiva follows a violent incident in which three Likud activists were arrested for throwing eggs at protesters in the city during a Saturday evening protest.
