'Israel released a murderer': Hostages families, politicians respond to Abu Salmiya's release

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Office stated in response that "The decision came following discussions at the High Court."

 A guard opens a door inside a prison that holds foreign prisoners, suspected of being part of the Islamic State, in Hasaka, Syria, January 7, 2020.  (photo credit: GORAN TOMASEVIC/REUTERS)
A guard opens a door inside a prison that holds foreign prisoners, suspected of being part of the Islamic State, in Hasaka, Syria, January 7, 2020.

Following the release of Shifa Hospital chief Muhammad Abu Salmiya on Monday morning, Israeli politicians and hostage family members were quick to voice their frustration.

A statement from the hostages’ family members stated, “The decision to release 120 terrorists without us, the families of the hostages, receiving even a sign of life from our loved ones is a puzzling one. Moreover, this is a decision that is not consistent with the principles of negotiations according to which you give something and get something in return.

“We are in the last line for the approval of the Netanyahu deal and hope that the Israeli government will be determined to release our family members with the same determination as it releases the director of Shifa Hospital, under whose auspices the hostages are given poor medical care and which offers a haven for Hamas terrorists,” the statement concluded.

The hostage families from the Tikvah Forum responded to the release of the Shifa Hospital chief.

“While our loved ones have been held captive by Hamas for many months, Israel released a murderer, a Hamas assistant, the director of Shifa Hospital,” the response stated. “He is the one under whose management the hospital became a home for terrorists. He is the one who hid Hamas terrorist nests, including weapons and bunkers, where Israeli hostages were also murdered under his eyes. The decision to release him is a sign of moral disgrace, illustrates the preservation of the “conceptzia” from before Simchat Torah, and spits in the face of the hostages’ families.”

 Israel's military patrols near Al Shifa Hospital compound in Gaza City, amid the ongoing ground operation of the Israeli army against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in the northern Gaza Strip, November 22, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
Israel's military patrols near Al Shifa Hospital compound in Gaza City, amid the ongoing ground operation of the Israeli army against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in the northern Gaza Strip, November 22, 2023. (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

The Shin Bet on Monday blamed National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and the government in general for ignoring months of warnings that huge amounts of additional detainee space were needed to absorb the thousands upon thousands of new Palestinian detainees connected to the ongoing war.

More specifically, the security agency said that it strongly opposed releasing detainees, but that without sufficient detainee space, there was no choice.

In addition, the Shin Bet warned that it and the IDF have slowed the pace of new arrests because of a lack of space to absorb any new detainees.

Finally, the Shin Bet stated that it has been releasing dangerous detainees on a sliding scale as required by existing law, grading detainees according to their level of danger. It said it has been releasing detainees who might have ties to terror first in order to avoid releasing others who were actual combat fighters for Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Furthermore, the Shin Bet said that Shifa Hospital Director Muhammad Abu Salmiya was considered dangerous, albeit less dangerous than these fighters, which is why he was included in the current round of releases.

Politicians respond to the decision

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office stated in response, “The decision came following discussions at the High Court regarding petitions against detaining prisoners at the Sde Teiman detention facility. The identity of the released prisoners is determined independently by the security officials based on their professional considerations. The Prime Minister ordered an immediate inquiry into the matter.”

The defense minister’s office stated in response, “The procedure for incarcerating security prisoners and their release is under the Shin Bet, and the Shin Bet and is not subject to the approval of the defense minister.”

Chairman of Yisrael Beytenu Avigdor Liberman said, "We came to find out that the director of the Shifa Hospital is not a doctor; he is a doctor Mengele. The decision to release him is an abandonment of morals, security, and ethics."

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir also commented on the move, stating, "Releasing the director of Shifa Hospital in Gaza along with dozens of other terrorists is a security breach. It's time for the prime minister to stop Gallant and the head of the Shin Bet from conducting an independent policy contrary to the position of the cabinet and the government."

In parallel, Ben-Gvir wrote in the government group: "It's time to send the head of the Shin Bet home. He does what he wants."

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich later addressed the release of the director of Shifa Hospital at the beginning of the faction meeting and said it was a scandal and a failure. He also requested an investigation. 

"I will request that the findings of the investigation be presented to the cabinet this week, including taking steps against those responsible for the failure." He added that even if the IDF has criticism of the Prison Service, it does not justify the release.

He stated that the cabinet approved the establishment of five new settlements in the West Bank and declared, "For every country that unilaterally recognizes a Palestinian state, we will establish a new settlement." He then praised Trump for not declaring his recognition of a Palestinian state.

National Missions Minister Orit Strock noted, "It would be unthinkable to carry out such a move without a government meeting. I am seriously asking, by what authority."

Diaspora Affairs and Combatting Antisemitism Minister Amichai Chikli demanded clarifications from Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

"Why is this man in whose hospital our hostages were murdered in and from which Hamas headquarters were operating liberated?"

Opposition leader Yair Lapid also commented on the decision.

“The publication this morning and the chaos in the government regarding the release of the director of the Shifa Hospital is a direct continuation of the lawlessness and dysfunctionality of the Israeli government that leads to damage to the security of Israeli citizens,” Lapid stated.

"The defense minister did not know, the national security minister was not involved, an exchange of accusations. Everything is leaked. This is what value and functional disintegration looks like," Lapid added.

MK Benny Gantz stated following the release, “Whoever made the decision has no consideration and must be fired today. The government who releases those who gave cover to the October 7 murderers and helped hide the hostages made an operational and moral error and is not suitable to manage our existential war and must go home. 
