Israel-Hamas War: Women share stories, strength on Instagram

The inspiration to create the initiative came from a connection formed by the war, initiative creator and manager Shifra Soloveichik explained.

  Instagram (photo credit: Walla! Technology Yanon Ben Shoshan)
(photo credit: Walla! Technology Yanon Ben Shoshan)

A social media initiative, aimed at connecting Jewish women globally is showcasing the strength and resilience of Jewish and Israeli women in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. The initiative, called Women of Valor - Women of War, uses social media to tell the stories of numerous Israeli and Jewish women, and their experiences during the war.

The inspiration to create the initiative came from a connection formed by the war, initiative creator and manager Shifra Soloveichik explained. “My husband was called to reserve duty on October 7, and I posted on Instagram that night about being scared. Another Israeli woman, whose husband had also been called to reserves, messaged me saying that it was scary, but that we will get through it. A few days later I found out that her husband had been killed, even before she sent that message,” Soloveichik said.

When Soloveichik reached out to tell her how sorry she was to hear about her husband’s death, the woman told Soloveichik to “tell the world how amazing [her husband] was.” At the funeral, Soloveichik remembers paying attention to what she said about her fallen husband, and how she said it.

 INSPIRING STORIES: IDF women are on the front lines, operating Iron Dome, taking part in combat, and serving across many units such as the Caracal Infantry Battalion, Oketz dog unit, Israeli Air Force and Skyrider Drone unit.  (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
INSPIRING STORIES: IDF women are on the front lines, operating Iron Dome, taking part in combat, and serving across many units such as the Caracal Infantry Battalion, Oketz dog unit, Israeli Air Force and Skyrider Drone unit. (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

“Seeing the immense bravery and strength of her and other women is what got me through my feelings of hopelessness and that the world was ending,” said Soloveichik.

Inspired by other women's strength 

“Seeing other women be strong makes me feel like I can be strong too. I want all Jewish women to be able to tap into that as well. In Israel we experience crazy fear and horror but also unity and togetherness and community. I wanted to make that accessible to Jewish women who are abroad and don’t have that,” Soloveichik said.

To give other women access to this feeling, Soloveichik is sharing the stories of women experiencing the Israel-Hamas war through short-form social media content and longer-form documentaries. The initiative also shares recipes from the women whose stories are told and encourages followers to cook the food in the recipes. “Food is a connecting thing,” explained Soloveichik.

Soloveichik’s husband returned from reserves a few months ago, and they are re-adjusting to life. “I feel like there is a life before October 7, and after,” she said.

Soloveichik hopes to continue to explore what it means to be a woman of valor through the initiative after the war. “Right now, we are focused on sharing stories of women of the war and the unique strength that has come out of the situation,” she said. “The concept of women of valor and what that means applies to every period in history and every generation,” she added saying she hopes to continue the initiative long after the war. 
