Hagari: Diaspora Jews should create TikTok videos 'every day' in support of Israeli hostages

"The war is not confined to Gaza alone - there is a worldwide battle for consciousness. Everyone should make a TikTok video daily in support of the hostages," Hagari said.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari gives a statement to the media in Tel Aviv on October 16, 2023 (photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)
IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari gives a statement to the media in Tel Aviv on October 16, 2023
(photo credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI/FLASH90)

IDF spokesperson Brigadier General Daniel Hagari emphasized the global scope of the current conflict on Tuesday by calling for Diaspora Jews to create TikTok videos every day, promoting the release of Israeli hostages.  "The war is not confined to Gaza alone - there is a worldwide battle for consciousness. Everyone should make a TikTok video daily in support of the hostages." When asked about his vision for victory, he responded, "Victory can only be declared when everyone has safely returned home."

Hagari attended the meeting of the Jewish Agency's Board of Governors, where he had a one-on-one conversation with the Jewish Agency's Chairman, retired Major General Doron Almog. They discussed the global advocacy efforts and the pivotal relationship between Israel and Jewish diaspora communities.

Hagari informed the nearly 200 Jewish leaders from around the globe, who gathered for the meeting, about the daily updates he receives regarding worldwide antisemitism. He stressed, "It's crucial to recognize that this conflict extends beyond Gaza; there's a global struggle for awareness, and Jewish communities worldwide play a vital role in Israeli advocacy."

 IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari. To his right: Amira Ahronovitz, the CEO of the Jewish Agency, and Doron Almog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency's Executive. To his left: Dalia Kushnir, Director of Experiences in the Jewish Agency's Connectivity Unit, whose two Brothers in law, Yair and Eitan Horn (credit: Guy Yechiely for the Jewish Agency)
IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari. To his right: Amira Ahronovitz, the CEO of the Jewish Agency, and Doron Almog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency's Executive. To his left: Dalia Kushnir, Director of Experiences in the Jewish Agency's Connectivity Unit, whose two Brothers in law, Yair and Eitan Horn (credit: Guy Yechiely for the Jewish Agency)

IDF Spokesperson provides WhatsApp contact number

To aid in these advocacy efforts, the IDF spokesperson provided a contact number for the leaders, enabling them to receive and distribute advocacy materials to Jewish communities worldwide via WhatsApp.

Furthermore, Hagari highlighted the significance of social media in shaping public opinion and bolstering advocacy efforts. He urged the leaders, "This platform is equally important. I encourage you to spread the advocacy materials and create a TikTok video daily to support Israel, the hostages, and our soldiers."

Inquiring about Hagari's perspective on victory, Almog received a poignant reply: "True victory is when every abducted individual returns home."

Concluding the meeting, the Jewish Agency's Chairman expressed solidarity with the IDF spokesperson, assuring him, "All the Jewish community leaders here are your ambassadors worldwide, standing with you, the IDF, and the State of Israel."

This gathering of approximately 200 Jewish leaders in Jerusalem for the Jewish Agency's Board of Governors meeting aimed to express solidarity with Israel and deliberate rehabilitation strategies for affected areas. Amidst the backdrop of Operation Iron Swords, the leaders engaged with the local communities, met with the abducted families, and listened to survivors' stories, highlighting a united front in times of adversity.
