US warns: Iranian and Chinese hackers carry out disruptive attacks on water systems

"These attacks have the potential to disrupt the critical lifeline of clean and safe drinking water, as well as impose significant costs on affected communities," the letter said.

 A smartphone with a displayed Iranian flag with the word "Cyberattack" and binary codes over it is placed on a computer motherboard in this illustration taken February 23, 2023. (photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)
A smartphone with a displayed Iranian flag with the word "Cyberattack" and binary codes over it is placed on a computer motherboard in this illustration taken February 23, 2023.
(photo credit: DADO RUVIC/REUTERS)

The US government is warning state governors that foreign hackers are carrying out disruptive cyberattacks against water and sewage systems throughout the country.

In a letter released Tuesday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan warned that "disabling cyberattacks are striking water and wastewater systems throughout the United States."

The letter singled out alleged Iranian and Chinese cyber saboteurs. Sullivan and Regan cited a case in which hackers accused of acting in concert with Iran's Revolutionary Guards had disabled a controller at a water facility in Pennsylvania and called out a Chinese hacking group dubbed "Volt Typhoon," which they said had "compromised information technology of multiple critical infrastructure systems, including drinking water, in the United States and its territories."

Cyberattacks that can disrupt clean and safe drinking water

"These attacks have the potential to disrupt the critical lifeline of clean and safe drinking water, as well as impose significant costs on affected communities," the letter said.

China's Embassy in Washington and Iran's mission to the United Nations did not immediately return a message seeking comment. Both countries have in the past denied carrying out cyberattacks

An information analyst works in front of a screen showing a near real-time map tracking cyber threats; California, December 29, 2014 (credit: REUTERS/BECK DIEFENBACH)
An information analyst works in front of a screen showing a near real-time map tracking cyber threats; California, December 29, 2014 (credit: REUTERS/BECK DIEFENBACH)

The digital safety of water and sewage plants has long been a concern for cybersecurity professionals because the facilities provide a critical service and can often be lightly defended.

The letter called on governors to "ensure that all water systems in your state comprehensively assess their current cybersecurity practices" and prepare for potential cyber incidents.
