Am Yisrael Chai: President Isaac Herzog addresses Washington DC Israel rally

"In the State of Israel’s darkest moment you stood up and declared: Hineini, I am here. We are here. There is no greater and more just cause than this,” President Herzog said.

 President Isaac Herzog addresses the Washington DC Israel rally from the Western Wall in Jerusalem. November 14, 2023. (photo credit: KOBI GIDON / GPO)
President Isaac Herzog addresses the Washington DC Israel rally from the Western Wall in Jerusalem. November 14, 2023.
(photo credit: KOBI GIDON / GPO)

Speaking to the attendees of the massive pro-Israel rally in Washington, DC from the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Tuesday, President Isaac Herzog expressed his appreciation and admiration for the Jews and non-Jews around the world who have stood and continue to stand for Israel in the wake of Hamas’s brutal massacre on October 7th.

“Sisters and brothers, I am speaking to you from the single most sacred site in the Jewish world – the Kotel – the Western Wall in Jerusalem,” President Herzog began. “The Kotel that reminds us that Am Yisrael (The people of Israel), we the people of Israel, are eternal and no one will break us.”

Herzog went on to emphasize the plurality of voices that have spoken up for the Jewish people and the Jewish State.

“Thank you, all people of good will, friends from different communities, faiths and denominations, who have gathered today for this massive show of solidarity. In the State of Israel’s darkest moment you stood up and declared: Hineini, I am here. We are here. There is no greater and more just cause than this.”

One giant family supporting the Jewish people

Herzog hailed those marching in support of Israel as one giant “mishpacha” (family), dedicated to those hostages being held by Hamas and for every Jewish person’s right to live safely, no matter where in the world they reside.

President Isaac Herzog at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. November 14, 2023. (credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)
President Isaac Herzog at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. November 14, 2023. (credit: KOBI GIDEON/GPO)

“Above all, we come together to march for good over evil, for human morality over blood thirst. We march for light over darkness,” he said. “Eighty years ago, Jews came out of Auschwitz and vowed ‘never again.’ As the blue and white flag was hoisted over our ancient homeland, we vowed ‘never again.’”

In the wake of Hamas’s vicious assault in southern Israel, he continued, the world should once again vow “never again.”

The president also lauded US President Biden and the US Congress on both sides of the political divide for their “moral clarity and bold actions” demonstrating the partnership between the US and Israel.

“Since October 7th, Israeli society and the Jewish People have truly come together in unison. We feel our hearts beat as one.” Herzog declared, “Once again in Jewish history, we demand: Let our people go,” and labeled the rising tide of antisemitism experienced all around the world as “an embarrassment to all civilized people and nations.”

He continued, again demanding that Jews all over the world be able to live in safety and again thanked all the people “in the community or on campus” for opposing hatred.

“Just as you stand with us, we stand with you,” Herzog said. “Dear friends, as President of the State of Israel, I vow to you from Jerusalem, from the Kotel, that we will heal, we will rise again, and we will rebuild.”

Concluding, the Israeli president added, “Together we pray for the safe return of our hostages. Together we pray for the full recovery of the wounded. And together we pray for our beloved sons and daughters in the IDF. May God bless them and keep them. Together we grieve and together we shall overcome. Am Yisrael Chai. God bless Israel. God bless America.”
