Israeli Knesset updates list of cosmetics containing carcinogenic substances

Following EU additions to list of carcinogenic substances added to cosmetics, Knesset Health Committee updates its list.

 Knesset updates cosmetic list (illustrative). (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Knesset updates cosmetic list (illustrative).
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

An updated list of cosmetics that contain cancer-causing substances has been updated by the Knesset Health Committee following the addition of carcinogenic products in cosmetics by the European Union.

Or Eldar of the Health Ministry’s legal office explained that about six months ago, the European Union Commission published an update to the list of substances prohibited in cosmetics that may not be important into the EU.

 The Knesset building, home of Israel's legislature, in Jerusalem, on November 14, 2022 (Illustrative). (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
The Knesset building, home of Israel's legislature, in Jerusalem, on November 14, 2022 (Illustrative). (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

A late update 

That update went force in the EU about a month ago. The update was forwarded to the importers for review, and no comments in opposition were received. 

The update was to go into effect in Israel on January 1, but because of the war in Gaza, it was postponed to February 1.

Ruthi Algozi, manager of the ministry department for proper production conditions for the cosmetics unit, added that the update includes substances classified as possibly causing cancer or mutations or toxic to reproduction (CMR).
