Jewish soldier who died fighting for Ukraine given a halachic burial

The Chief Rabbi of Kyiv ensured that Daniel received a Jewish burial.

Jewish Soldier Killed in Ukraine Laid to Rest in Kever Yisrael (photo credit: Courtesy)
Jewish Soldier Killed in Ukraine Laid to Rest in Kever Yisrael
(photo credit: Courtesy)

A Jewish soldier fighting for the Ukrainian military against Russia’s invasion fell in battle on the front lines over the weekend and, with the support of Ukraine’s Jewish community, he received a halachic burial.

The soldier, who can only be known as Daniel, had Ukrainian origins and returned to Ukraine to enlist and fight with the special forces of the Ukrainian army.

In honor of his Jewish heritage, Daniel’s commanders and officers from the Ukrainian General Staff contacted the Chief Rabbi of Kyiv, Rabbi Yonatan Markovitch.  Rabbi Markovitch was tasked with informing Daniel’s loved ones about his death. 

A Jewish burial for a Jewish soldier

The rabbi insisted that Daniel receive a traditional Jewish burial, in line with halachah, which the Ukrainian military agreed to.

Jewish Soldier Killed in Ukraine Laid to Rest in Kever Yisrael (credit: Courtesy)
Jewish Soldier Killed in Ukraine Laid to Rest in Kever Yisrael (credit: Courtesy)

With the military's approval, a designated area within the general military cemetery in Kyiv was set aside and, In the presence of a minyan from the Kyiv community, a proper Jewish levayah was held, and Kaddish was recited at the gravesite of the Jewish soldier. 

"Daniel was a true hero who was proud of his Judaism," said Rabbi Markovitch. "He embodied the Jewish spirit, striving to observe Pesach with matzah and other religious items during chagim (Jewish holidays) and throughout the year. At the Great Synagogue in Kyiv, we will pray in his memory and for the elevation of his soul."
