KKL -JNF supports communities in Gaza Envelope by upping aid to emergency squads and communities

KKL-JNF raises 10 million shekels as an emergency aid to communities surrounding Gaza.

KKL box was found in the ruins of Kibutz Beeri (photo credit: KKL)
KKL box was found in the ruins of Kibutz Beeri
(photo credit: KKL)

Continuing to assist the south: KKL-JNF decided on Sunday to increase emergency aid to communities surrounding Gaza by an additional 10 million shekels for the evacuation of more residents from the area, extending the stay of those who have already evacuated, and immediate support for security preparedness in the communities. Additionally, due to the ongoing military fighting and its expansion, and in accordance with emerging needs, KKL-JNF decided to expand assistance to Emergency squads for communities located up to 7 km from the border by 4.2 million shekels. KKL - JNF's total assistance is estimated at around 40 million shekels.

Following the terrorist attack by Hamas militants, the KKL-JNF Board of Directors voted in favor of financial emergency aid for the communities in the Gaza Envelop including bomb shelters in communities, support for Emergency squads, equipment for the community emergency response system, emergency medical equipment, generators, and computer aids.

Furthermore, KKL-JNF continues to transfer residents from the south to accommodations in the center of the country and operates recreational and educational activities to help residents and their children recover from the difficult events.

KKL-JNF Chairwoman, Ifat Ovadia-Luski, stated: " After last week, KKL - JNF initiated an assistance operation for the residents of the south, today we are expanding the emergency aid to defend the communities surrounding Gaza and extending it to communities located up to 7 km from the border. KKL-JNF will continue to take care of the residents of the south, accompany them, and assist in the recovery of affected communities. This is an important and meaningful national mission, and we are fully committed to it."
