Airbnb updates its policy on indoor security cameras

Airbnb's global management has announced that it will ban the use of indoor security cameras in guest houses around the world.

  Home security camera (photo credit: INGIMAGE)
Home security camera
(photo credit: INGIMAGE)

The global management of Airbnb announced recently that it will ban the use of internal security cameras in guest houses around the world.

Previously, Airbnb allowed their hosts to have indoor security cameras in shared spaces, as long as the devices were exposed and their location was known to hosts. Indoor security cameras, however, have never been allowed in spaces like sleeping areas and bathrooms.

Now, the management of the company has ordered that these security cameras will be prohibited from being used anywhere, regardless of their location, purpose, or prior exposure.

Airbnb has given hosts who currently have internal security cameras until April 30 to remove them. Outdoor security cameras on the other hand, such as doorbell cameras, will continue to be permitted for use.

Airbnb exec expands on the company's new policy

Juniper Downs, Airbnb’s Head of Community Policy and Partnerships, commented on the new policy, “Our goal was to create new, clear rules that provide our community with greater clarity about what to expect on Airbnb. These changes were made in consultation with our guests, Hosts and privacy experts, and we’ll continue to seek feedback to help ensure our policies work for our global community.”
