Seven solar panels on shades: The initiative in the cooperative moshav of Mechora

Colmobil Energy and East Energy have established seven solar panels in the cooperative moshav of Mechora, covering an area of 14,000 square meters with a total output of 2,100 kilowatts.

  (photo credit: PR)
(photo credit: PR)

Colmobil Energy, which initiates, establishes, and operates various renewable energy solutions for residential, commercial, and public clients, recently completed a project in cooperation with East Energy in communities in the Jordan Valley. Seven shades were erected, with seven solar panels installed on them in the cooperative moshav of Mechora. Each shade covers an area of about 2,000 square meters, totaling 14,000 square meters. Each shade has a solar panel with an output of 300 kilowatts, totaling 2,100 kilowatts.

The tariff paid by the electricity company for each kilowatt-hour produced is 45 agorot. The project was undertaken as a full initiative, meaning Colmobil Energy funded the shades and solar panels entirely. Additionally, they will maintain and operate them for 25 years and pay annual rent to the moshav for two years. The project is currently connected to the electricity grid. Expected revenue from the electricity company per year: NIS 1,600,000, and over the entire contract period, i.e., 25 years, approximately NIS 40 million.

Aviv Pfeffer, CEO of Colmobil Energy, stated: "The State of Israel has set itself a very ambitious yet realistic goal to generate electricity from renewable energies, standing at 30 percent by 2030. I believe the future lies in renewable energies both economically and environmentally. Mechora Moshav has taken a very significant step, both for itself and for the general public. The renewable energy project in Mechora combines an economic element and serves as a great revenue stream, while also contributing to environmental preservation and the joint effort to achieve the country's goals."
