Despite the mood, the house is painted for the holidays

About a third of Israelis are renovating their homes to ease their feelings, according to a Tambour survey that reflects the national mood ahead of the holiday.

  Bringing color to life: despite the mood, paint the house for the holidays  (photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)
Bringing color to life: despite the mood, paint the house for the holidays
(photo credit: PUBLIC RELATIONS)

A new survey conducted by the Tambor company through the SAPIO research institute sought to examine the various trends in the house painting process with an emphasis on the feelings associated with the process. The findings of the survey reflect the mood of the Israelis and how it corresponds with the desire and need to paint the house. A wide range of emotions - when the respondents were asked to describe their feeling today, a wide range of emotions emerged which is expressed in 74% negative feelings and 69% positive feelings (the respondents were allowed to describe more than one feeling).

The most prominent emotions are uncertainty (46%), hope (43%), faith (36%) and sadness (35%). Are more at home - at this time and compared to the period before the war, most Israelis are more at home. Over half of the respondents stated that they are at home more compared to the period before the war. About 40% stated that there is no change.

Actions related to renovating, painting and changing the design of the house help to relieve and feel a sense of respite from the security situation. When the respondents were asked what actions they started to do or do more compared to the situation before the war, in order to make it easier for themselves and to feel a little respite from the situation, about a third chose at least one answer related to actions related to changes in the home, such as Renovation, painting and design changes, 36% in activities related to food and 31% in sports activities.

The survey examined whether the security situation and the war made us change our plans and carry out/not carry out or advance/postpone them. Among the actions examined, the war affected flights abroad and vacations in Israel the most. For example, while 8% of the respondents indicated that they would carry out or advance their plans to fly, 35% of the respondents indicated that they would not carry out or postpone the planned flight, which indicates a decrease of 27 % in the realization of the flight plans. About half of the Israelis painted their house recently.

When asked when was the last time you painted your house or parts of it, about half (52%) of the respondents indicated that they had painted their house within the last two years. 10% stated that they had never painted their house. About half (49%) of those who painted in the last two years, painted the whole house, and about a quarter (24%) only painted the living room.

The findings of the survey show a decrease in the proportion of those who paint the bedroom and a slight decrease in the proportion of those who paint the children's room in the last two years. Among those planning to paint the house, the preferred color is white (60%), but at a slightly lower rate than the measurement made a year ago (67%). A slightly higher proportion (19%) intend to use colors in shades of cream, compared to the previous survey (16%). There is also a small increase among those who prefer other shades.

who were asked 'Did you feel different after painting the house than before painting?' And 'what feelings arose in you after coloring? About 90% stated that they felt a change in feeling, where they mainly stated feelings of renewal (60%), cleanliness (55%) and freshness (50%). About a quarter (23%) felt calm. 10% reported that they felt no change in feeling after painting the house. It is also evident that more than half plan to paint their house or parts of it, in the near future.

The survey examined the most important parameters in choosing a paint brand for the home. The respondents stated that it is most important to them that the color be of high quality (73%) and that the price be attractive (64%). Other important parameters are odor-reduced paint (34%) and ecological paint (26%). For about a fifth it is important to get samples of the color before they paint. The survey was conducted for Tambor by the SAPIO Institute, in March 2024, an internet survey of 502 women and men aged 21+ who live independently and are a representative sample of the population in Israel.
