Consulting Google's AI - The astonishing answers from Gemini

Following the Sono music generator experience, we delve into Google's AI "Gemini", amazed by the results and exploring vital cautions for your interaction with this innovative technology.

 "Gemini", Google's competitor in the field of artificial intelligence  (photo credit: GOOGLE)
"Gemini", Google's competitor in the field of artificial intelligence
(photo credit: GOOGLE)

The artificial intelligence craze continues at a crazy pace for almost every field of our lives and it seems that in the near future those who do not take over the field will be left behind. AI technology is spreading towards academia, the worlds of medicine, high-tech, culture and even the military. One of the most promising AI engines is Google's Gemini.

This week we were informed that the artificial intelligence mechanism of the technology giant may also reach Apple: the company is in talks with Google in an attempt to integrate Gemini into the iPhone devices. Gemini, formerly known as Bard, is an artificial intelligence chatbot that was launched last March on a trial basis in several countries and recently opened to 240 countries in 46 languages.

So what does Gemini do? The artificial intelligence model is able to answer and solve problems in almost every field, from mathematics, physics, history, law, medicine and ethics to cooking and psychological counseling. To prevent misuse, Google's artificial intelligence prevents the search for answers in controversial issues such as elections, violence, sex or violation of privacy of specific people.

Gemini has several versions: the basic service allows you to receive abbreviated and limited answers, the company's premium service - Gemini Advanced allows you to use the most advanced artificial intelligence service, and costs about 20 dollars per month. The advanced service comes with advanced and more accurate capabilities and can function in long conversations and carry out complex instructions while understanding the context of previous commands.

We tried to have fun with Gemini and the truth is - the result in the base version was also quite amazing. Some of the answers are indeed seasoned with well-known clichés, but Gemini gives more and more of a "human" feeling to the conversation, where the system connects the data and reaches insights beyond the capabilities of a machine.

For example, the question was typed: "I have a semester exam tomorrow and I feel like I haven't studied enough. What should I do to get a high grade?". Within three seconds Gemini provided a detailed numbered answer with bolded main headings followed by the explanation.

Gemini began in a reassuring tone: "I understand your concern" opened the answer, and immediately added a bunch of practical tips: Focus on the most important material;

Try to identify the most important topics that will appear in the exam. Do this by looking at the syllabus, study materials and previous tests (if any);

Focus on learning these important topics in depth, even if it means giving up studying less important topics." Use effective learning techniques;

Try different learning techniques, such as flashcards, summaries, charts, audio recordings and more;Find the techniques that work best for you and use them to learn the material;

Practice solving questions and exercises. This will help you better understand the material and improve your confidence for the exam.

Gemini continued with a total of 10 effective tips. We continued to make it difficult for him and added: "Continuing to this answer, some of the material is based on articles that I will not have time to read all of them. What to do?". Gemini immediately added another layer to the conversation with a host of practical - and correct - advice.

We tried to challenge Gemini with dozens more topics of conversation. The most addictive were psychological fields: Gemini knew how to advise in every field, marveling at pseudo-human answers, while giving reservations and a "neutral" position. The feeling was that an apparent professional was sitting opposite, and not a computer model.

True, the technology is still only in its infancy, but as we dive into artificial intelligence, the dichotomy of a wonderful future unfolds against the fear of trampling on more and more professions that will become redundant. Until then, take advantage of the artificial intelligence: enter Gemini, try to ease him in every issue and advice. The result will amaze you, even though it is only a computer. And...yes, caution: it's addictive.
